wThursday, December 12, 2002 |

12/11/02 Ramblings from a tire store lobby
some of these were quotes from the book i am reading;
some are random thoughts bouncing through the head
of jill at 3pm on a wednesday afternoon while spending
hundreds of dollars i don't have on new tires
It's not how many ideas you have;
it's how many you make happen.
-advert in mag in tire store lobby
Regret is only energy wasted.
Prevention is better than cure.
-Erasmus, 1509
An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie,
for an excuse is a lie guarded.
-Alexander Pope
what i like to do in times of questioning is to
watch all kinds of movies and read all kinds of books,
about mind, psychology, meditation, the power of the brain,
then i receive (or do we always receive) so shall i say i notice
and acknowledge mass connections and synchronicities
what some call coincidences, the i ching which have driven
many a men of the western world mad, this overwhelming
amount of information, until i can no longer take this state of
over-awareness and i transform again, into a temporary state
of binge drinking which turns off my mind's eye, because i
think the human brain can only accept so much of this
information overload without comprehension, i don't think we
as a human race are physically capable of grasping and
fully understanding the workings of the universe, the "why"
we forever seek, i don't think we could truly handle the answer
if once it ever did present itself to us.
what i have done so far (right or wrong) that i have never
done before completely by myself
-car shop tune up
-purchase full set of tires
what i plan to do
-financial advisor
-my taxes
-invest and save
-ask for a raise
-look for a job that pays me what i'm worth
-go to the dentist
i shouldn't need new tires until at least 2007
they have a 60,000 guarantee and roadside service
ways to fight cancer:
chemical in the amazon rain forest
carrot juice
co Q10
There is no dress rehearsal;
this is your life.
surprised by the truth in my words...
Millions of persons long for immortality
who do not know what to do with
themselves on a rainy afternoon.
-susan ertz
You must learn to be still in the midst of activity
and to be vibrantly alive in repose.
-Indira Gandhi
Spend the afternoon.
You can't take it with you.
-annie dillard
posted by
reform school jill at 11:47 AM
wThursday, December 05, 2002 |

My father, Phillip Louis Bostur, 63 years old
passed away this morning Sat Nov 23 @ 11:10am
His wife and two daughters, we all three were there
in the room with him, by his side
We didn't notice his last breath
as it was a very peaceful transition
from this world into the next
He had been battling a recurrence of cancer, after being cancer-free
for the past three years, and even a clean bill of health this May.
Since Oct 8, these past six weeks, we had unexpectedly been
in three different hospitals and finally a hospice, Christopher House,
who have been very kind these past few days.
He had a few rough weeks and many restless nights
but his journey in this world ended before he had to bear
too much suffering
Thank you all for your kind words, generous prayers,
warm thoughts, and positive energy directed our way
during this time, as it has been truly & deeply appreciated.
He is loved
and he will be missed
and remembered
p.s. do not feel obligated, but in lieu of flowers,
we would request donations be made in Phil's name
to www.sunshinekids.com, an organization devoted
to helping children & teens affected by cancer.
thank you again
you are all dear to my heart
p.s. if death scares you, as it does me
again, do not feel obligated to watch me be sad at this time
you can take me out for a drink and a laugh in the new year
when i am ready to embrace the world again
until then, take care of yourselves, treasure every moment,
and tell everyone you love, that you love them.
posted by
reform school jill at 10:03 AM