wThursday, December 12, 2002 |

12/11/02 Ramblings from a tire store lobby
some of these were quotes from the book i am reading;
some are random thoughts bouncing through the head
of jill at 3pm on a wednesday afternoon while spending
hundreds of dollars i don't have on new tires
It's not how many ideas you have;
it's how many you make happen.
-advert in mag in tire store lobby
Regret is only energy wasted.
Prevention is better than cure.
-Erasmus, 1509
An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie,
for an excuse is a lie guarded.
-Alexander Pope
what i like to do in times of questioning is to
watch all kinds of movies and read all kinds of books,
about mind, psychology, meditation, the power of the brain,
then i receive (or do we always receive) so shall i say i notice
and acknowledge mass connections and synchronicities
what some call coincidences, the i ching which have driven
many a men of the western world mad, this overwhelming
amount of information, until i can no longer take this state of
over-awareness and i transform again, into a temporary state
of binge drinking which turns off my mind's eye, because i
think the human brain can only accept so much of this
information overload without comprehension, i don't think we
as a human race are physically capable of grasping and
fully understanding the workings of the universe, the "why"
we forever seek, i don't think we could truly handle the answer
if once it ever did present itself to us.
what i have done so far (right or wrong) that i have never
done before completely by myself
-car shop tune up
-purchase full set of tires
what i plan to do
-financial advisor
-my taxes
-invest and save
-ask for a raise
-look for a job that pays me what i'm worth
-go to the dentist
i shouldn't need new tires until at least 2007
they have a 60,000 guarantee and roadside service
ways to fight cancer:
chemical in the amazon rain forest
carrot juice
co Q10
There is no dress rehearsal;
this is your life.
surprised by the truth in my words...
Millions of persons long for immortality
who do not know what to do with
themselves on a rainy afternoon.
-susan ertz
You must learn to be still in the midst of activity
and to be vibrantly alive in repose.
-Indira Gandhi
Spend the afternoon.
You can't take it with you.
-annie dillard
posted by
reform school jill at 11:47 AM