wThursday, April 15, 2004 |

Do you know the way to San Jose
10:36am PST
So...day one of my adventure, and what a complete mess I am. Seriously, we all knew I was a wreck, but this is ridiculous. "For international flights, please arrive two hours prior to departure time." Well, of course, Jill gets there less than 30 minutes before takeoff, boarding has already begun. If it hadn't been for Tami comin in and kickin my ass at 8am (as I was just getting out of the shower and she had been there since 6:45am, well, because she's Tami and she's good like that), I definitely would have missed my flight. I actually think I was almost trying to miss my flight, almost trying to miss this trip altogether. I didn't make reservations till last sunday, didn't even get my passport until Friday. Beats me. I'm weird like that. Treated it like a relationship - if i ruin it and screw it up, well at least it was my doing. So anyway, i have NO IDEA what i packed in those last 10 minutes at my house. I was just throwing clothes to Tami in the hallway to stuff in the big travel backpack (which i had just borrowed monday night). So i get to the airport and i'm not really worried or rushing. I don't know why, but still, it goes fairly smoothly. No line at check-in. $22.60 fees. But alas, i am too late to check this backpack on. "You'll have to take it with you," she says. Okay. Done. Going to the bag check but before i get there, the next lady says "You can only carry on two bags. You can put one of those in the other, though." So here i have my backpack purse, which most of you will be proud to know that it weighs only 2 lbs instead of the 40 lbs it weighed last night. But i look like a crazy person if you saw the disorganized chaos that was going on in that purse. Tami can attest to this as i poured all the contents onto my bedroom floor to pilfer through, seeing what little of my craziness that i actually needed in there. So back at the airport, i'm all sprawled out on the floor at 9am, my flight leaving in less than 15 minutes, and i still haven't made it through bag security check yet. Leave it to Jill. So i distribute a couple of things from my backpack purse to the shoulder book bag (which is already crammed with magazines and books and cd's - none of which i have touched yet) and then i'm cramming this basically empty purse into this already overstuffed (I really didn't need that last pair of shorts) I don't even actually know which clothes i threw in there. I do know that i only brought 2 pair of cheap flip flops and the pair of tennis shoes that i'm wearing. Underwear, bathing suit, tank tops, shorts, jeans, and yes you people i brought my sporty spice sweatsuit that you all enjoyed making fun of me in. all the toiletries i bought yesterday at target and the bug spray at REI. speaking of yesterday, i was running around from 1:30p-7p nonstop, and still made it to the darkness on time. i filed for an extension for my taxes, filed for unemployment, went by the travel clinic to see if i needed any shots (yes i wait till the last minute for everything) went to DSW, Just for Feet, and REI but found no walking shoes i liked. went to whole foods, target, and i never got around to buying the 3 packs of American Spirits that i intended to bring with me (I ended up smoking Lucky Strikes at stubb's last night - yuck - aw heck, to be honest, they didn't seem half-bad last night, but they were mega-yuck this morning. i hope they sall american spirits in san jose. i'll be there an hour and a half. hopefully i can check in this big backpack i'm currently lugging around. hopefully i will eat. cuz sitting here, i just realized that i didn't eat tuesday and haven't eaten anything since monday night (except for a glass of apple juice tuesday at noon. and tons of crown & 7 - because they didn't have seagram's at stubb's outside). speaking of last night...what a blast! i don't know if the darkness was just kickin' ass or what. but on top of that, everyone there was in a great mood. seriously. everyone. i met people from san antonio & we talked & talked and i said i used to work at ignite, so of course that's me and one degree of separation, they know dave faloon. and dan gilkison, who is actually currently living in thailand. (i think we actually called dave faloon and left a message. sorry dave) then shauna & i with them & others are dancing on the tables (although i had already been asked not to). the whole other part of our group was up front & having a blast as well. we all went to mugshots afterwards (the downtown barfly's) and i guess the drinks got too strong there or the lack of food set in or the overwhelming amount of stuff swimming in my head already, but i don't recall what we were all talking about all night long. jitka called on my cell phone as i was there and i think it sort of freaked me out that i was actually leaving the next day. everyone was always asking if i was excited about my trip and unfortunately the answer seemed a little like no, not really. it seemed like too much work and commitment than fun. the prep work at least, that which i put off in life. and that which i did not even finish. (i forgot to change the kitty litter, sorry joey & kat). and i'm real worried about miss kitty. someone go over there and love her and make sure she has fresh water. and don't go through my shit that's everywhere! but don't clean it either. i think i'd be more freaked out if someone cleaned my room and hid everything (aka put things away) so i wouldn't be able to find anything (horrible logic, yes i know).
Okay, we just landed in San Jose. i wonder if this is the town i'll eventually move to. and yes, mom, i will eat now.
oh. last night. best moment in the church van coming home: "Meatball Sandwich" clap. clap. clapclapclap. "Meatball Sandwich" clap. clap. clapclapclap.
Yeah roaming around HEB when i should have been home packing. oh well, you only live once, right? me then taking a cab home. famous last words: "i'm just gonna go take a quick nap and then finish everything in the morning." Yeah right, Jill. You're not fooling anyone...
posted by
zenbetty at 3:35 AM