wFriday, April 30, 2004 |

miss kitty snoring is one of my favorite sounds in the entire world.
when i'm rich, you'll find me sitting in my house in this:
"For the ultimate indulgence, Jacuzzi's La Scala two-person whirlpool bath, $30,766, encases a 42-inch high-definition plasma TV monitor, a DVD and CD player tucked into the side and surround-sound speakers buried beneath the porcelain, Internet access and video monitoring, both controllable from a floating remote and waterproof wireless keyboard."
yeah, i'd never get out of the tub.
-things i've learned about daytime television:
Days of Our Lives is sooooo stupid!!!
Ellen Degeneres is actually rather funny.
The Olsen Twins prefer being called Mary-Kate and Ashley, and they are 17-year-old multi-millionaires. And their new movie just looks like a complete rip-off of Ferris Bueller's Day Off (but i guess the kids these days aren't aware of that old movie).
And Starting Over is somewhat interesting to watch.
and no i haven't slept yet. i think it's time for breakfast somewhere in the world...
posted by
zenbetty at 9:23 AM