
spent three days in samui island. flying into the little palm tree paradise of an airport triggered childhood memories of hawaii. jitka meeting me at 7am as i hop on the back of her motor scooter with my backpack, riding on the leftside of the road (although no cars or motorbikes paid much attention to lanes) as she whisked me away to this little bungalow walking distance to the beach. yes, it's hot. but yes, you just stay in the water all afternoon. there are little huts of bars lining the sand so you just cruise up an order a singha (thai beer) whenever the moment strikes (and if you know me, that moment strikes often). must type quick as internet connection is slow here and costing me 1 baht a minute (well, 40 bahts is only about one dollar, but hey~ i'm gettin' cheap). right now currently in krabi. spending a couple of nights in railay island (where you jump off the longboat with backpacks & all directly into the sand). attire, next to none. flipflops the norm (so i actually did good, didn't need to pack much more than i did. kids, i don't know about buying you all presents. know that i'm thinking of you and see many things i'd like to buy for you all, but the idea of adding another duffel bag to these boat rides sounds like a hassle. anyway, railay island, i think this is where brad stayed, and yes it is rockclimbing haven for all you kids (i see trevor & steph scaling the walls here). me, well, you know me, i'm sitting on the beach in the sun (mostly the shade) and kickin back. last night, went to gecko bar. reggae band (oh, all you hear here is reggae, techno, or bad 70s love ballads, ie. oh mandy, you came and you gave without taking, and i threw it all away oh mandyyy) was playing so that was nice to see live music for a night. been eating hmmm... (yeah, i've been eating some american breakfast, sorry) cocunut curry soup, fried noodles, mushroom & tofu w/rice. been nice. jitka, oh jitka, she is doing wonderful (and tan! i am SUCH a whitey here!) so good to see her. she misses all and i've caught her up on most of our whereabouts. we're in town for a bit, gonna change my flight to leave on the 4th, were gonna change to the 6th, but jitka must leave, so i'm gonna go on 4th as well. love the beach. i miss it. going to south padre this summer if anyone wants to go and i'm probably gonna move to california. cary, i hear a couple of new zealand/australian accents around here and miss you & your kiwis. daydreaming of next trip to NZ already. where does the money come from, i ask? who has won the lottery back home for me already. the darkness video is playing on the tv overhead. i guess it's mtv. i think we're off to phuket tomorrow. that's jitka's home base where most her bags are. then phi phi island. then elsewhere. will try to keep you posted, but alas, i'd rather be on the beach than behind this computer screen. luckily i type fast and i get to smoke a cigarette and drink a beer as i do this quickly, so i'm multi-tasking. so, santa cruz, was asking and was told that was the austin of california. anyone dis/agree? if so, i'm moving. come visit. sunny weather awaits. it's hot, but i don't care. you just swim, then shower, then shade, then sweat.
posted by
zenbetty at 3:45 AM