wWednesday, August 25, 2004 |

last night, i saw the director's cut of Donnie Darko (which i must say is probably one of my favorite films. *spoilers* included further down so don't read post if you're a ninny like me)
well, let me just say that Jake Gylsdlkjslf did a great time impersonating, i mean, acting as Richard Kelly the director, i mean as Donnie Darko, the anti-hero of the film. But yeah, the directors' mannerisms were a spittin' image of Jake as Donnie, i mean Jake's mannerisms as Donnie were a spittin' image of the real-life Richard Kelly.
most films/screenplays i strongly believe are all/mostly autobiographical regardless of what any writer says. basically, you just cannot write about what you do not know about. you can't. i mean, unless you research and learn something, you just can't successfully write about subjects or topics that you are just guessing on.
anyway, i don't have much to say. saw the director's cut, which were subtle changes, some music choices had to be changed, more excerpts of Grandma Death's book were included for further explanation, i guess. but i dunno, i kinda liked the guy (the director), but i knew i would from the movie. he kind of rambled incessantly completely off topic and would forget about what question was even asked that he was trying to answer. reminded me a bit of myself. wandering and somewhat lost, but honestly knowing where i wanted to be. too bad i didn't sit down and write a damn good movie at the age of 23 after running away to california to go to film school. yeah, what a different life that would have been. (i would have been a surfer, too) but we can't live in these alternate realities that would never be. because, because they would never be.
posted by
zenbetty at 6:23 PM