wWednesday, September 08, 2004 |

so...what should i say today, except that i absolutely had too much fun this weekend.
today, this lady needs a definite break.
two things that made me laugh today, seeing how i haven't checked email in weeks:
I. "JOKE: To beat the summer heat I shaved my balls. Now it looks like my penis is balding.
If my penis gets a beer belly and razor burn, we'll be twins!" -tv head kev
other than that, it's time i officially settled down and rejoined the workforce again.
it's been a great summer, folks. one i will definitely always remember.
i was in dallas last week babysitting my nephews, and i tell you what,
they are the darned cutest things that i can handle in 3-year-old form.
so anyway, met some new people this weekend, hung out with some old friends,
had some great conversations and introspections, and probably proceeded
to get a little too day drunk a couple of times this labor day weekend.
but hey, i had to take a break from all my labor, right?
yesterday, i walked to the comic book store that's right by my house.
thought of my good ol' pal BigSleep666 that i haven't talked to at all recently.
i haven't even read his blog lately cuz i'm really never online anymore.
but anyway, if you out there have any inkling of a fondness for box office movies such as Spider-Man,
Captain whatever, and especially such great ones as American Splendor and Ghost World,
check out the original graphic novels at your local comic book store Austin Books.
New comic books are usually delivered on Wednesdays, but Labor Day offset this weekly event
until Thursday this week. I hope you can contain your anticipation.
I learned a new word this week:
Main Entry: quaff
Pronunciation: 'kwäf, 'kwaf
Function: verb
Etymology: origin unknown
intransitive senses : to drink deeply
transitive senses : to drink (a beverage) deeply
- quaff noun
- quaff·er noun
Seeing how often i frequent the bars, i ought to have known this little word.
Thank you to Merriam-Webster Online for all my quick definition look-ups.
Does somebody want to write my resume? Anyone? Yes?! Thank you very much.
Interviews. Well that's like 'dating' in the working world. And I hate dating. Dating is like interviewing. People pretend they're greater than they are, have no flaws, and that you should want to be with them more than they want to be with you. Same thing..."Why should I hire you?" "Why should I work for you?"
I wish somewhere it would all tally up somehow. You know, like no guesswork. What would life be like without guesswork? You know, you just offer your bloodtype, zodiac sign, and IQ or something, and they just say yes or no. You have a hard salary range and benefit requirements and it's all matched up somewhere in some big computer. Perhaps that's socialism and I should watch what I'm saying, as Big Brother is reading my blog
right this very second. Shit, I'm going down. I did watch some of the Republican National Convention...and then continued to watch how Jon Stewart chopped it down afterwards. Man, if Jon Stewart were a woman, he'd be me. Now, i don't really know what that means. but i don't think it's even supposed to make sense.
I showered today. And washed my hair. It's a big day for Jill.
I correctly knew the difference between a simile and a metaphor,
AND I correctly guessed two trivial pursuit questions.
I got a CD in the mail from my friend Luna today, and it made me very, very happy.
But no, I have not listened to it yet.
I am currently at the library, and my one-hour computer time is almost up. Glad to know there are people in the world out there (you are still all out there, aren't you??) and if anyone has a job for me, it's time.
I'll sell my soul to the devil capitalism for another few more years.
Maybe I should work with kids...and keep their eyes open to the world around them.
posted by
zenbetty at 5:15 PM