wFriday, October 29, 2004 |

happy friday all. happy halloween weekend. i guess i'll go hunt for some sort of costume today. and i have to vote. and i have to go to the bank and mail off some bills. man, i need some money. or i just need to quit spending so much.
i have a lot of blog half-entries that i haven't entered. now they're a week old and almost seem already outdated. i gotta quit saving drafts and just post the durn things immediately. maybe i'll do that this weekend. but i doubt it. i think it's gonna be a halloween marathon bender kind of weekend...which already started last night.
i'm losing all my single girlfriends. they're getting married, moving away, etc. so if you're a single gal out there and like to go out drinking and watching movies and seeing music, drop me a line: zenbetty@hotmail.com. and i guess, if you're a single guy out there who likes to go out drinking and watching movies and seeing music, well, drop me a line as well because all my friends tell me i need to date. although i don't really want to date. see, look, that's the wrong attitude coming out already.
okay, i need to go run a ton of errands today. wish me luck. i haven't driven since monday. i did shower last night, so that's good, right?
posted by
zenbetty at 1:53 PM