wSaturday, October 30, 2004 |

i'm weird. well i guess i'm weird. normal people tell me i'm weird. even abnormal people do too. i don't know what that means really. if it means i don't cater to your standards, well that's fine by me. if it means i don't fit your mold, again, that's fine with me.
i've never been a U2 fan. nor do i like that Morissey guy. whiny ass bitch.
i just re-read through my last month or so of posts, and i caught two spelling errors, along with other errors. if any one of you out there *ever* catches a spelling error, PLEASE email me and let me know. i hate spelling errors. hate.
some of these are so sad and wrong, i really can't understand why i love them so much.
bad movie saturday. it's either Spy Hard on the WB or Child's Play on Fox.
dude, i'm totally watching Chucky!
"i'm your friend to the end! hidey-ho."
man, the kid in this movie is awful. the mom is totally overacting too.
"Chucky says Aunt Maggie was a bitch and got what she deserved."
and did you know that Chris Sarandon who plays the detective in this movie was actually Susan Sarandon's husband (hence, where she got her name)
before she ended up with Tim Robbins much later
Susan Sarandon sings a duet with Eddie Vedder which plays over the credits of Cradle Will Rock, a movie which was written & directed by Tim Robbins. i actually haven't seen that movie. perhaps i'll rent it. and thank you to imdb for all my movie trivia and facts.
have i admitted how bad the WB has sucked me in. seriously, i'm watching the mountain and one tree hill. and i'm actually liking them.
wow, those horse jockeys really are little men, aren't they?
i think i'm gonna go eat some froot loops.
why are commercials so damn loud?!
this movie looks pretty good: Enduring Love
non sequitur : a statement that does not follow logically from anything previously said
posted by
zenbetty at 3:18 PM