wFriday, December 31, 2004 |

how weird - i'm learning how to knit this sunday, and...
i tell my mom, after i had called her to thank her for my subscription to Cooking Light which just came in the mail today
and then she calls right back and says turn to p 91, and says i'll take that scarf, after i had just asked her what color scarf she'd like me to knit for her. and sure enough, there's this article on knitting, it's the new pastime, the new form of therapy, great for nail biters and smokers. so don't be surprised if you see me knitting in a bar one night. just something to keep my hands busy.
and then simultaneously now as i'm looking up knitting sites & blogs on the web and perusing the knitting article in my new magazine, guess who the hell is knitting?! hot lips on M*A*S*H. right now. now let me tell you, i watched many a episode of M*A*S*H this past six months (seeing how it comes on three times every morning) and i have never seen ms. hot lips do a single domestic thing on this show before. coincidences? connections? they're all over the place, you just have to keep your eyes open.
i bought this book once, The Tipping Point, which i haven't finished reading ever (of course) but it talks about such relations, more of the cause & effect of how ideas spread, in the world. (i think i'm a "connector" - so much so, i even want to conduct experiments to see the results. will you be my guinea pig?) i bought that book because a gentleman (i think in first class) was reading that book. i always try to see what other people on planes are reading. for some reason, i think readers on planes have great taste in books. like these world travelers know something i don't. i also see what people check out from the library. it intrigues me immensely.
speaking of libraries, maybe i'll post that entry tomorrow...
oh, i updated Jybil - the film blog yesterday, so as not to inundate you with my film babble. but if you like to be inundated with film babble, do visit Jybil frequently.
posted by
zenbetty at 12:46 PM