wMonday, February 21, 2005 |

Excerpt from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
the best scene ever:
DUKE (V/O) If the Pigs were gathering in Vegas, I felt the Drug Culture should be represented as well... and there was a certain bent appeal in the notion of running a savage burn on one Las Vegas hotel and then just wheeling across town and checking into another.
The WHITE WHALE turns into a VIP parking slot, immediately attended by impressed MINIONS.
DUKE (V/O) Me and a thousand ranking cops from all over America. Why not? Move confidently into their midst.
DUKE enters -- old Levis, grubby sneakers, 10 peso Acapulco shirt coming apart at the seams, 3 day growth, eyes hidden behind mirror shades. He heads for the check-in line.
DUKE (V/O) My arrival was badly timed.
THE PLACE IS FULL OF COPS. 200 of them, on vacation, all dressed in cut price Vegas casuals: plaid Bermuda shorts, Arnie Palmer golf shirts, and rubberized beach sandals.
Ahead of DUKE -- A POLICE CHIEF argues with the DESK CLERK. The POLICE CHIEF'S AGNEW STYLE WIFE stands to the side, weeping. The POLICE CHIEF'S FRIENDS stand uneasily around.
POLICE CHIEF What do you mean I'm too late to register? I'm a police chief. From Michigan. Look, fella, I told you. (waves a POSTCARD) I have a postcard here that says I have reservations in this hotel.
CLERK (prissily) I'm sorry, sir. You're on the "late list." Your reservations were transferred to the... ah... Moonlight Motel, which is out on Paradise Boulevard...
POLICE CHIEF I've already paid for my goddamn room!
CLERK It's actually a very fine place of lodging and only sixteen blocks from here, with its own pool and...
POLICE CHIEF You dirty little faggot! Call the manager! I'm tired of listening to this dogshit!
CLERK (solicitously) I'm so sorry, sir. May I call you a cab?
The POLICE CHIEF's screamed insults fade away...
DUKE (V/O) Of course, I could hear what the Clerk was really saying...
CLERK (IN DUKE'S IMAGINATION) Listen, you fuzzy little shithead -- I've been fucked around, in my time, by a fairly good cross- section of mean-tempered rule-crazy cops and now it's MY turn. "Fuck you, officer, I'm in charge here, and I'm telling you we don't have room for you."
DUKE steps to the desk, around the raging POLICE CHIEF.
DUKE Say. I hate to interrupt, but I wonder if maybe I could just sort of slide through and get out of your way. Name's Raoul Duke -- Raoul Duke. My attorney made the reservation.
DUKE snaps a credit card down onto the counter. EVERYONE goes silent. The POLICE CHIEF GROUP stares at him like he was some kind of water rat crawling up to the desk. The CLERK hits the bell for the BELLBOY.
CLERK Certainly, Mr. Duke!
DUKE My bags are out there in that white Cadillac convertible. Can you have someone drive it around to the room?
ALL EYES turn to the gleaming WHITE WHALE.
DUKE Oh, and could I get a quart of Wild Turkey, two fifths of Baccardi, and a night's worth of ice delivered to my room, please?
CLERK Don't worry about a thing, sir. Just enjoy your stay.
DUKE Well, thank you.
DUKE gives the POLICE CHIEF a polite smile -- crosses to the elevator -- turns to face the GAWKING COPS -- pops a can of beer and toasts them. The doors close.
posted by
zenbetty at 10:06 AM