wMonday, June 06, 2005 |

surfin' the net all day so you don't have to:
a few Turkish phrases:
it ürür, kervan yürür. (The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.)
Bu yer bo? mudur? Evet, bo?tur. (Is this place empty? Yes, it is empty.)
?apkay? al?n?z, kap?y? aç?n?z ve gidiniz! (Take your hat, open the door, and go!)
(did ya see my name in that one?) yes, i even stalk myself online...
jessica simpson slept with bam AND johnny knoxville (listen to bam's girlfriend on the radio)
and i'm goin' to philly this weekend...
johnny knoxville's real name is PJ Clapp. (but he was actually born in knoxville) no wonder he doesn't want to go by Clapp, he wouldn't be able to fuck as many whores
mary-kate is weird

naked chicks are hot
but holy hell! pamela anderson looks like an alien!
posted by
zenbetty at 4:58 PM