wMonday, July 25, 2005 |

okay i'm weird...
cuz i couldn't sleep at my mom's house last night so i picked up a book there "Don't Tell" about this woman who escapes from her abusive cop husband (and no i don't think it's what that J-Lo movie was based on)
then all of a sudden i go to the restroom and it's 6am - does this ever happen to you? and then, since i've been reading all night my brain won't stop and starts writing at this ungodly hour. i think that's why i don't read at night and i instead fall asleep to the murmur of the television.
anyway, i often make up trailers of a movie in my head, many times i want to just make the trailers and not the entire movie. cuz i can't really finish the whole movie with details, but i can see the trailer in my head almost perfectly.
yeah yeah i've been seeing too many movies lately, but i used to make up trailers all the time even before my free movie marathon began.
but i always have a problem with names of characters (hence my pets' names - miss kitty and mr. puppy), difficulty finding titles for pieces (poetry = untitled #301), and i never really like the endings in most stories. because to me, well, most stories never really end.
so anyway, if you guys are bored and would like to read it (partially) if i ever transcribe it (partially), let me know. and then tell me if i'm crazy, or if it's funny, or if it sucks, or if it's just me talking to myself in my head.
okay i'm just writing it down from memory, the pages are out in my car. i just don't want it to be a crappy "before sunrise" type of movie, not just this one, but anything that i write. (but i do even say that in my dialogue, "this is starting to feel like a crappy linklater movie.") will i get sued for saying stuff like that in movies. like if "we" watch or mention a few movies in my movie, is that legal?
it's a mixture of the duval house (but not really), me & my crazy thoughts (but not really), etc. but seriously, i was cracking myself up this morning at 7am when i hadn't had a lick of sleep, thinking that i had incredibly witty banter between these imaginary characters in my head. and i just sort of want to know what others (you guys) might think...
i want it to be set in austin cuz i know it, and i'd be lying if i tried to pretend like i knew NYC. but it would be impossible to have their careers here in austin, so either i have to learn NYC. or they failed professionally in the art world there and moved back to austin, damn. how do people make such decisions.
well, it's in the car, so email me if you're interested in reading more (mostly dialogue) - zenbetty@hotmail.com
but i kept hearing that movie trailer voice guy narrating the trailer:
(narrator = nar) (woman lead = w) (man lead = m)
nar: "What happens when..."
m: so what do you do? w: i'm a food photographer. m: what does that mean? w: which word don't you understand...food? or photographer?
nar: "two average [somethings] are thrown together..."
m: [front door opens] oh. you. still looking for a roommate? w: yes, but first rule, no sex with roommates. m: well good thing i don't find you remotely attractive cuz i would hate to have to turn you down. [w slams door in his face] m: [muttering to self] well that didn't go well
nar: "in the not-so-average art world?"
w: so unfortunately, since i've met you, this screenplay i'm writing has now evolved into some crappy romantic comedy. m: don't blame me just because i have gorgeous hands.
nar: "A very unlikely romance occurs."
w: you've seen that movie 9-1/2 weeks? m: yeah. w: real life is so not like that. i thought a tub full of chocolate pudding would be incredibly sexy. i couldn't have been more wrong...
okay, i'm psycho, but i do this all the time...do you? i usually just don't keep myself up to 8am writing it down. and take an hour nap before work. let me know if you want to read more. or if this is an insanely boring premise. it's supposed to be dry wit, but since i had about one hour of sleep, i have no idea what i'm saying right now.
©2005 zenbetty all rights reserved
posted by
zenbetty at 12:56 PM
wWednesday, July 20, 2005 |

cool music news:
Art project generates music using fish
It is a beautiful, aural and visual entertainment where the viewer is offered a sensual experience of the private lives of fish, ordinarily hidden deep beneath the surface of the lake.
well i thought it was a lot cooler until i read this:
Under anaesthesia they are slit open and miniature bio-acoustic tags are inserted into their bodies. The fish are then stitched up, woken up and returned to the lake where they emit a tiny acoustic signal every two seconds.
yeah, i don't think they willingly agreed to participate in this experiment.
The "String Thing"
A new kind of digital instrument replaces computer keyboard finger-tapping with a cello-like interface, bringing high-tech musicians out from behind their glowing screens.
"This is a piece of art that is made for producing art."
disturbing music news:
Musical Hallucinations
Seven years ago Reginald King was lying in a hospital bed recovering from bypass surgery when he first heard the music. It began with a pop tune, and others followed. Mr. King heard everything from cabaret songs to Christmas carols. "I asked the nurses if they could hear the music, and they said no," said Mr. King, a retired sales manager in Cardiff, Wales.
"I got so frustrated," he said. "They didn't know what I was talking about and said it must be something wrong with my head. And it's been like that ever since."
Each day, the music returns. "They're all songs I've heard during my lifetime," said Mr. King, 83. "One would come on, and then it would run into another one, and that's how it goes on in my head. It's driving me bonkers, to be quite honest."
here's another older article on musical hallucinations.
posted by
zenbetty at 11:55 AM
w |

After ignoring numerous warnings from independent scientists for years, the "nonstick" chemical used in Teflon has now officially been categorized as a "likely carcinogen" by the U.S. government's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA scientists found four different types of tumors in lab animals exposed to the chemical. The agency announced it plans to collect millions of dollars in fines from DuPont, the maker of Teflon, for concealing studies indicating related health and environmental risks for over two decades.
Compound in Teflon A 'Likely Carcinogen' -Washington Post, June 29, 2005
EPA to Review Findings on Teflon Chemical -Yahoo! News, June 29, 2005
EPA panel raises questions about Teflon -CNN, June 30, 2005
Health tests start in Teflon settlement -CNN, July 8, 2005
posted by
zenbetty at 10:17 PM