wWednesday, July 20, 2005 |

cool music news:
Art project generates music using fish
It is a beautiful, aural and visual entertainment where the viewer is offered a sensual experience of the private lives of fish, ordinarily hidden deep beneath the surface of the lake.
well i thought it was a lot cooler until i read this:
Under anaesthesia they are slit open and miniature bio-acoustic tags are inserted into their bodies. The fish are then stitched up, woken up and returned to the lake where they emit a tiny acoustic signal every two seconds.
yeah, i don't think they willingly agreed to participate in this experiment.
The "String Thing"
A new kind of digital instrument replaces computer keyboard finger-tapping with a cello-like interface, bringing high-tech musicians out from behind their glowing screens.
"This is a piece of art that is made for producing art."
disturbing music news:
Musical Hallucinations
Seven years ago Reginald King was lying in a hospital bed recovering from bypass surgery when he first heard the music. It began with a pop tune, and others followed. Mr. King heard everything from cabaret songs to Christmas carols. "I asked the nurses if they could hear the music, and they said no," said Mr. King, a retired sales manager in Cardiff, Wales.
"I got so frustrated," he said. "They didn't know what I was talking about and said it must be something wrong with my head. And it's been like that ever since."
Each day, the music returns. "They're all songs I've heard during my lifetime," said Mr. King, 83. "One would come on, and then it would run into another one, and that's how it goes on in my head. It's driving me bonkers, to be quite honest."
here's another older article on musical hallucinations.
posted by
zenbetty at 11:55 AM