wWednesday, August 17, 2005 |

you have more power than you think...
so, on the upper deck of I-35 going north this morning, i read the billboard that said:
and below it, the web site: thebillboardproject.com
pretty interesting, if anything. this whole thing out at the president's ranch. protestors. counter-protestors. words of wisdom from a counter-protestor: Stay the Course! with at least 12 magnetic ribbons on his bumper, 4 mini-ribbons (one with a cross as the center hole), and (of course, how poetic) a bumper sticker of the rebel flag. lovely.
but back to the billboard project, here's an excerpt from her blog who's visiting the protest camp quite frequently. i don't know her, all i know is her name is bonnie and she's a freelance writer who lives in austin. this billboard project is something that came about completely of her own volition, and she spends $350 per billboard that are only up for one day at a time. but i like what she wrote here about some counter-protestors out there in crawford:
So I was somewhat bemused to see the actual Bush supporters. There were about 15 people on the other side of Prairie Chapel road. They were mostly wearing red, white and blue. They were mostly wearing cowboy hats.
I began my conversation with TJ (author of the sign) by getting him, his wife and baby some bottled water from Camp Casey. TJ is a veteran of Iraq and still in the Marines. He looked really young, about 20, and I had a very long conversation with him over the course of the afternoon. Mostly I listened and he certainly had a lot to say. The longer he talked the less belligerent he sounded. And after an hour or so of conversation and six more bottles of water he very quietly said, “I guess I don’t mind the protest, free speech is part of why we went to Iraq, isn’t it?” I have to say, I really liked him. I really felt for him. And I was really afraid they were all going to get sun stroke.
I’m sure if TJ spoke with one of the Iraqi Veterans for Peace, they would get along well. They actually have a lot in common. I just think it’s a damn shame that he won’t cross the road.
the protestors seem very positive, which i like, with these rules of engagement:
speaking truth to power total non-violence non-confrontational dialogue a drug- & alcohol-free environment
okay, this is horrible, i have always, ahem, disliked rush limbaugh. why are the worst conservatives the biggest hypocrites, and the republicans still don't see through their lies?! even once the lies are revealed?! the anti-drug man addicted to drugs. if that doesn't spell it out, what's it gonna take?! so these anti-protestors are wearing rush's catch phrase t-shirts: Club G'itmo (and there's way more where those came from).
i wrote an anti-rush limbaugh speech in my speech class back in the early '90s at UT. i think i gave up on politics after that...
what the weirdest thing about all this, is that i was *randomly* on the upper deck of I-35 going north today. for one, i was south this morning before work that i have never done before. seriously, never. doing something random i had to do once and will never have to do again. and then, i got on the highway by mistake when i didn't need to and should have stayed on the access road cuz i missed my exit. and two, this billboard is up for one day only. so as i was driving, i scribbled down "thebillboardproject.com" and "cindy sheehan" onto my alamo drafthouse cinema guide because i don't watch the news, and i was hoping this 'project' was big and nationwide. or at least something i could spread the word about.
cuz i'm beginning to believe that signs and omens are presenting themselves to me. not in the "omigod jill has finally lost her last marble" sort of way, but more in the "i just read the celestine prophecy (which i didn't just read, but you know what i mean) and am more aware of my surroundings" sort of way. i don't know what i believe in, but i do believe we all have some sort of collective unconsciousness going on around us, much greater than what our minds can allow us to realize, at least at this point in our evolution as human beings.
hence, with these statements, the following post, re: car wrecks and broken limbs.
little tidbit: i am one degree away from the president, twice! (so if you know me, you are two degrees from the president, in two different ways!)
1) my old boss, was the president's brother. 2) the president's farm in waco/crawford was my family's farm we sold to him, my mom's cousin. i had lunch with them (my mother and my 2nd cousin) just this monday.
not that these are really bragging rights to be so closely linked to the worst president in history, but it's easy to see how small a world it really is after all.
(it's a small world after all)
posted by
zenbetty at 2:22 PM