wWednesday, August 24, 2005 |

dream is destiny
file under: i'm weird
so this morning (mornings are when i have my most vivid dreams, or at least the most vivid memories of my dreams), i woke up (on time) yet i had just dreamed that it was 1:00pm and i was in san marcos and i had to call in and let everyone know at work that i wouldn't be there and that i'd miss the meeting and that i had to get someone to cover my job for me. so anyway, i had been at planet k last night and i met the owner john holloway and he was all tatt'd out & cool and i wanted to hang out with him after the store closed (and get to know him better, if you know what i mean). so to do that, who knows what happened (yes, i guess i even black out in my dreams, weird) i went along with everyone, and we walked over to his house, and then i woke up at 1:00pm today in some strange house in san marcos and had no idea how i got there or how i was gonna get home or how i was gonna get back to austin at all. all this for a boy. a boy who doesn't exist.
so today i googled planet k and john holloway (because i google everything) and what's weird is that i couldn't find the name of the owner of planet k (i even called the south lamar store and asked. the girl thought i was a total freak. haha) but...
planet k specializes in "a fantastic selection of pipes, cigars, imported cigarettes, and herbal tobaccos."
and the only 'john holloway' in austin, well...he lives on Rising Smoke Loop. and the web site associated with him is www.pipe-etc.com which is really kinda weird. now it would be even weirder if it weren't pvc pipes that he was selling,
but still...planet k...rising smoke...pipe-etc...what do you think?
posted by
zenbetty at 3:03 PM