wSunday, August 14, 2005 |

okay then, so i was watching Living with the Dead (which is also referred to as Talking to Heaven) on CBS tonight, it's basically Ted Danson in an "i see dead people kind of movie" - The Sixth Sense meets the Medium (but the Medium is actually kind of good, you should give it a chance, on NBC this fall), The Sixth Sense was good too, for first-time viewing especially (speaking of which, this weekend i just watched m night shyamalan's the village, and i really liked it a lot) unfortunately the other stations are making medium copycats, ie. the ghost whisperer (worst title ever!) is a TV show coming to CBS this fall and looks horrible with jennifer love hewitt talkin to deceased vietnam vets. ugh. anyways...so this ted danson movie, i noticed on the credits that it was directed by stephen gyllenhaal. no wonder jake & maggie got into the biz. i had no idea.
and that, my friend, was the longest run-on sentence ever!
posted by
zenbetty at 11:34 PM