wMonday, October 17, 2005 |

i'm like mike myers (charlie) in so i married an axe murderer...
[The angelic blonde in the broken picture is Charlie's girlfriend, SHERRI.]
CHARLIE Sherri! What are you doing?
SHERRI I'm leaving you.
CHARLIE Oh, thank God... I thought you were robbing our own home, because frankly, that's insane. I mean, what could you possibly gain by robbing your own home? I don't mean to meddle, but isn't it better to rob other peoples' homes? Start accumulating their wealth as opposed to just reaccumulating your own wealth.
SHERRI That's not funny, Charlie. I'm really leaving.
[She continues to pack. Charlie tries to unpack her things.]
CHARLIE What?! Just because we had a fight last night?
SHERRI We've had a fight every night for two months. Ever since I brought up the subject of marriage, you've found fault with everything I do. Why couldn't we have gotten married, Charlie?
CHARLIE I'm too young to get married. (begins putting her things back) I'm only twenty-nine and a half. We love living together.
SHERRI It's been two years now. I need something more.
CHARLIE See, Sherri, this is frustrating for me, okay. When we first started going out I thought we agreed that we weren't the sort of people who got married.
SHERRI That's like saying we're not the sort of people who are going to grow old. We're not going to fall into that "growing old" trap. Face it, you've got a problem with commitment, Charlie. Take a look at your other girlfriends. Every time you get close to a commitment there's something wrong with them.
CHARLIE Hey, I broke up with them for good reasons.
SHERRI What about Sandy?
CHARLIE Sandy was an alcoholic.
SHERRI No-no-no. You thought she was an alcoholic. She just drank more than you drank. What about Jill?
CHARLIE She hated my family.
SHERRI You thought she hated your family. Nobody hates your family. Everybody loves your family. What about Julie?
CHARLIE She smelled like soup.
SHERRI What does that mean?
CHARLIE She smelled exactly like Campbell's Beef Vegetable soup. She was dirty, physically dirty.
SHERRI Well, Charlie, I wonder what you're gonna say were my problems? Are you gonna tell your friends that I was a junkie, that I wasn't supportive enough or that I smelled like relish? Charlie, I loved you. It could have worked out. (she goes to the door) Think about it.
[She leaves.]
[Charlie and his best friend, TONY SPILETTI, are out for a night on the town.]
CHARLIE I had that dream again.
TONY Oh, is that the one where you suspect that a fat man in a diaper, on a lazy susan has interfered with your plans for the evening?
CHARLIE No, but I have had that one. No, in this one I'm in love...
TONY Yeah.
CHARLIE And I say to myself, "I've finally found somebody that I'm truly comfortable with." You know when you're so comfortable that you'll let them put makeup on you to see what you would look like if you were a girl. Anyways you know what I do in the dream next?
TONY You propose?
CHARLIE (after a pause) No. I die.
TONY But Charlie, you're a normal suburban guy at heart, from a normal suburban family. Didn't you tell me you always wanted to get married and have a family.
CHARLIE Yes, but, I'm afraid, okay? There are seven main rites of passage in a man's life. Birth, first day of school, last day of school. Marriage. Kids. Retirement. Death. I'm at marriage. I'm two rites of passage away from death.
TONY I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.
[Charlie checks out the girls in the coffee bar.]
CHARLIE I'm so bummed. Sherri was great, wasn't she? I'm an asshole, aren't I?
CHARLIE You've got to help me get through this night.
TONY You've just got to get back on the horse.
[The waitress arrives with two cappuccinos in extremely large cups.]
CHARLIE Waitress, I'm sorry, there seems to be a mistake. I ordered the large cappuccino.
[Two girls at a nearby table, laugh. Charlie and Tony exchange, "This could be promising." looks.]
CHARLIE (to the girls) Do you think these cups could be larger? They're practically bowls.
[The girls laugh again.]
CHARLIE I feel like I'm having Campbell's Cuppuccino.
TONY Join us in a cup of coffee? There's enough room?
[The girls come over.]
SUSAN My name's Susan and this is June. We think you're funny.
TONY My name's Tony. This is my friend Charlie.
CHARLIE Look, Tony, I'm going home. See you later, girls.
[Tony grabs him and pulls him aside.]
TONY You really don't understand, do you? When a girl comes over to your table and says, "I think you're funny." It means you've pretty much been given the keys to the city. Charlie, this is big.
CHARLIE Perhaps you've confused me with someone who gives a shit. Here's what's gonna happen, Tony. We'll end up going out with them tonight, maybe even home with them. Well go out for two months. Soon she'll move in, we'll be happy, She'll want more of a commitment. I'll be terrified and I'll do something to ruin it. Just like I did with Sherri.
posted by
zenbetty at 1:31 PM