wTuesday, October 18, 2005 |

right now is the BEST twilight zone episode...ever!
Submitted for your approval: "The Eye of the Beholder"
Writer/host Rod Serling created one of the show's most terrifying and unforgettable examinations of conformity. In an unspecified society, a troubled woman is so horrified by her "deformed" face and so desperate to look like everyone else that she undergoes a last-chance operation on her face to fix the freakishness that will have her sent to a reservation of outcasts. But when an unseen medical team is finished and the bandages are finally unwrapped, well...i won't spoil the ending. Suffice it to say, thought, that it's one of the most chillingly ironic conclusions in a series hailed for such things.
"Why shouldn't people be allowed to be different?!"
i think watching these twilight zone reruns as a kid really affected the way i thought, seriously. this one and Number 12 Looks Just Like You made me okay with not looking and acting just like everyone else.
Number Twelve Looks Just Like You Writer: John Tomerlin, based on the short story "The Beautiful People" by Charles Beaumont (credited to Beaumont) Director: Abner Biberman
A young woman resists pressure to be transformed into a state-controlled image of flawless beauty. CAST: Collin Wilcox, Suzy Parker, Richard Long, Pam Austin. that and Stepford Wives (the original)
posted by
zenbetty at 12:01 AM