wThursday, March 02, 2006 |

my mom has the beginning of osteoporosis and she wrote: "It can be reversible...so I must take more calicum w magnesium & vit d...exercise more (walk), cut back on sodas & caffeine, etc."
so, listed below is what i emailed her, cuz i had researched it for myself recently. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. so this is all stuff i found online or made up (ha!) not really, but it's just opinions or whatever. ANYWAY, if you know of anything to be wrong written below, if you've heard more or different from what i wrote below, if you agree or have experience with anything i've written below, or if you want to add anything else that i would like to know (and you know what i would like to know), PLEASE post a comment or email me. i would love to eat healthier and live healthier and the more accurate info i have to do so the better!
i just bought this last week! http://www.citracal.com
if you ever buy CALCIUM, i heard you want the calcium CITRATE and if you ever take calcium, i think it needs to have MAGNESIUM with it because your body needs magnesium to break down the calcium and it needs VITAMIN D for that reason too (i believe)
so...i'd buy the Citracal Calcium Citrate Plus
i got it at HEB. now, it's gonna be expensive in your eyes. like about $15/bottle (for vitamins?!) yes, mom, it's worth it. for 150 caplets, 2 caplets a day. that's about three months worth, about $5 a month for the calcium CITRATE you need. plus, it's only $.09 per pill! if you think of it that way, no, it's not expensive at all. $.18/day for your bones!
yeah, here at walgreen's, it's $13. if you MUST i'll let you buy the walgreens brand for $10, it looks like it has the same combination of ingredients: yeah, $.07 a pill, looking cheaper? i hope so, it's worth it. and you need it.
but do not buy the bogus calcium pills for cheaper, it doesn't do what you need or something. calcium CITRATE is what you need/easier to dissolve/something. check with your doctor first to make sure i'm right, but Citracal Calcium Citrate Plus is what i think you should buy. it also has the Vitamin D & Zinc that is the recommended combo to take with Calcium/Magnesium
ALSO you should take vitamins and your multi-vitamin WITH FOOD or directly after a meal. vitamins will hurt your stomach if you take them on an empty stomach, because they break down the nutrients of your meal with the stomach acids at work breaking down the meal whatever. and if there's no food in there it's not good cuz no stomach acid working or something. so just take after lunch every day. people say they don't like taking vitamins because they hurt their stomach, and that's just because they're taking them wrong on an empty stomach. taking with food you won't even notice because they're breaking down with the food you just ate rather than breaking down your stomach.
and rather than grabbing a soda, grab an 8oz glass of WATER. it's easy at work, we have an ozarka water tank, and it's cold & fresh & purified & FREE. also, at the first signs of hunger, grab a glassful of water, too. many times when you think you're hungry, it's really just your body being dehydrated. try an 8oz glass of water first (you should be drinking eight 8oz glasses of water a day), then eat a while after that if you're still hungry. but you might just find that the hunger 'pains' have gone away.
if you buy OJ or any other drink, buy the calcium-enriched version of that drink. -these are just easy steps to take when you buy stuff.
and! i might add, this february is the FIRST february in i don't know how long/i can't remember that i did NOT get sick. i'm trying to take my vitamins regularly, and for allergies, i've been taking claritin almost daily this spring. i didn't want to get sick and it really helps fight allergies.
MOM you should take it daily too. it's easy. you can buy the HEB or walgreens brand. don't buy Claritin D - the D makes you edgy (whatever it is). you just need to look for 10mg Loratadine (antihistamine). it doesn't do anything to you (like you can't tell you took something), doesn't make you edgy at all. i'll even let you buy the walgreens brand wal-itin. it's only $10 for 20 tablets, and for me, $.50 a day to NOT get sick because of allergies taking over my sinuses is worth the price of a soda a day WITHOUT QUESTION!
you don't have to take it daily year-round, just when you know seasonally when the allergies hit you.
mom, now, don't just nod your head and ignore me. i'm serious, you didn't notice me being sick over the xmas holidays this year, did you?! it's the allergies that turn into the sniffly sick we always get.
go to HEB or walgreens or RIGHT NOW, and buy some Calcium Citrate Plus (w/ Magnesium, Zinc, & Vit D), and a multi-vitamin for women, and some claritin (or walitin or HEB - any 10mg Loratadine) and take daily! (the vitamins WITH food, the claritin just have at your desk and take first thing in morning or whenever you sniffle & remember.) TRUST ME. it makes a difference.
and on another note, it's recommended that you walk 20 minutes a day. just WALK. if you don't have a good pair of sneakers, i would love to buy you some. take the stairs when you can. walk around the block in the morning when you go to get your paper (or after you've read it).
these are EASY steps to be healthier. also, reduce your salt. don't just automatically sprinkle everything with salt. taste it first. and use more herbs and spices rather than salt. eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure. and watch your cholesterol.
cut down on your coffee & caffeinated drinks -Caffeine reduces calcium absorption.
it's also great to eat foods that are NATURALLY rich in calcium. vitamins are great, but you should also try to get as much calcium naturally through foods as you can. yogurt, cheese, fortified OJ, broccoli, beans, almonds, etc.
ALMONDS are a great snack for many reasons. don't be too worried about the fat because it's healthy fat. like avocado fat. (just don't eat too much though! healthy doses as a snack.)
at target, planters nuts are 2/$5 (cheaper than HEB). i get the cashews, almonds, macadamia nuts combo - it's delicous & addictive (so watch out!) -don't buy the claritin at target, though, $15 for 20 is more expensive than walgreens $10/20
so in my drawer at work, i have: multi-vitamins, calcium citrate plus, my (south beach diet approved) planters cashews, almonds, & macadamia nuts, my box of oatmeal in case i missed breakfast, and about four cans of soup as backup in case i don't have time to leave for lunch. progresso are good & cheap & available at HEB. i also do the veggie healthy brands like Amy's. minestrone versions are always good in most any brand. mixture of pasta w/ beans & veggies. filling. also, the lean cuisines are fairly healthy (no trans fat, no partially-hydrogenated oils) for frozen dinners, rather than the smart choice (which have the preservatives and hydrogenated oils, which unfortunately = cheaper because they use the ingredients that are bad for you). our FDA makes me sad because they allow these poor ingredients in all our food. and unfortunately, healthy food is usually the more expensive choice. but your health is worth the price. and buy ORGANIC whenever you can.
okay, that's your daily doctor report from a hippie chick in austin tx.
oh! try to eat more more cancer-fighting antioxidant SWEET POTATOES! they're yummy! remember how we said we were gonna eat more (because they tasted so good during the holidays!), they're even great as dessert, with some cinammon sprinkled on 'em. before we got busy here at work, i made these yummy sweet potato/kidney bean burritos. sis! i think even the boys would love these. sounds like a funny combination, but it's really good. mom, at the bottom, i clicked change to 3 servings, and it was perfect - 1 or 2 for dinner and an extra one as lunch or snack the next day. the combo of cumin & sweet potato was yummy. it used about one cooked sweet potato for the 3 servings. now i'm getting hungry.
okay back to calcium...
* Calcium citrate is well-dissolved and absorbed
versus the other versions of calcium that are out there. as with everything, you can take too much of anything. and you can intake too much calcium. so always consult with your doctor. (or do your own extensive research like i always do online, ha!) -Do not consume more than 2500mg of elemental calcium daily.
treat yourself to salmon. salmon & shrimp are good sources of calcium too. but i'm veggie so i didn't mention them till now.
also, try to sprinkle berries on your oatmeal or cereal. more antioxidants help the fight againt cancer. more broccoli & spinach too. try to eat more carrots. grab green tea instead of coffee. eat cranberries. and of course, consume as many green leafy vegetables as you can. you'll notice a difference, rather than hitting burger king or mcdonald's. and who knew?! GARLIC is cancer-fighting. eat lots of it, -Garlic inhibits or prevents cancer development. Reek of it! the stinkin' rose!
i made roasted garlic the other night too, look how beautiful it is:
 o sheesh, it's the best! i bet the boys would like that, too.
look for the whole grain stamp on your cereals, bread, and oatmeal etc.
mom, also ask your doctor or chalasani about Q10 (CoQ10). i can't tell you about it because i haven't done enough research but i read it a lot, that and spirulina. would you ask your doctor about those? because they might just be hippie quack stuff i read about online and i wanna hear what a doctor has to say. tell him your hippie daughter was asking.
and on a completely different but similar note: Tips for Keeping Your House Clean when You're Depressed 1) Keep Up As You Go! Little things like rinsing and putting your dishes in the dishwasher as soon as you are done, or putting things away right after you use them, make a difference.
Baby steps will finish the race. You'll be fine, mom, no worries. Just try to eat healthier, be conscious of what you are eating, try to walk a little, and don't get stressed out or depressed.
posted by
zenbetty at 3:04 PM