wSunday, March 05, 2006 |

okay so last night, i watched one of the best shows i've ever seen on TV. trying to figure out something about it today, it looks as if it aired in August 2005 on FX.
So last night they had a marathon of all 7 episodes, and yeah, i'm neurotic like that. but i was just lying in bed relaxing and reading magazines and flipping through bad cable channels (my last night like that for a while. i "took off" saturday night to do 'nothing' because it may be the last time i do 'nothing' for about two weeks. and i was very much so treasuring that down time), and i came across this very weird premise for a show. Starved. that was the name of it. the most appealing thing about the opening scene was that they were in an unconventional non-12 step type of overeaters' anonymous meeting, where the group participants shout "it's not okay!" and the group leader states without a beat: "you make me sick!"
okay, so after the laughter subsides from when... (*spoiler*) ...oh goodness i can't even say it, i hate spoilers, you have to see it. i wonder if i can rent the season from somewhere. it was hilarious. it was definitely rated Mature (language & sex) and how refreshing it was to see such vulgarity on my TV. and no, i'm not kidding, it was disgusting at times. i had to turn my eyes at times. if you know of 'ways to lose weight' (or if you've ever seen an episode of jackass) then you can imagine at least two instances where you couldn't look at how gross, but simultaneously hilarious, some of the scenes were. and yes, i even cried. when they got outside the humor and the friendships and retraced steps back into their families and where they came from, there were quite a few heart-wrenching moments, and i'm glad they only played 7 thirty-minute episodes in a row or i would have stayed up till the break of dawn watching them all.
i couldn't find much info about it online, like if it's gonna make it to a 2nd season or not. but i highly recommend watching it, when you have a saturday to kill, just sit down and laugh. and cry. and understand. or realize that you have no idea what these people are going through. here on imdb sorta might be why i liked it: "Every character on the show is despicable, and yet entirely sympathetic at the same time. They are written as humans, and humans can be very messed up creatures indeed."
the writer has definitely sucked me into the backwards lives of these four unlikely friends. and unfortunately, upon further investigation, it doesn't look like it was picked up for a second season. what a shame...
Group Leader: "If you were a dog, I'd kick you in the face."
posted by
zenbetty at 8:33 PM