wFriday, April 28, 2006 |

October 2005, Part I
(Spoilers listed below for Unknown White Male)
p3000: how was your second movie last night? zenbetty: i really really liked it zenbetty: and it really really made me think zenbetty: do you know what it was about? zenbetty: god it made me think all night, couldn't sleep p3000: no idea what it's about. do tell... zenbetty: 35-year-old guy in NY had amnesia zenbetty: he's originally british, his brit friend came over and recorded the two years after the amnesia incident, with him (doug) learning his new self, him desperate to know the past - then transformed to not really wanting to know the past anymore zenbetty: crazy stuff. i mean, if you could start over... zenbetty: would you want to remember everything you did, good and bad? or would you want a clean slate, at 35 (if you were single) and people said you had a good life before, and said you were a good person. zenbetty: so why not just start making new memories & new friends & new relationships p3000: that's fascinating zenbetty: the only thing he wanted to remember was his mother zenbetty: because his mother had passed away, so you couldn't re-learn that person, except from photographs etc zenbetty: (and that just so terribly terribly got me, about my father) zenbetty: and that i wouldn't want to forget him, but that would be it zenbetty: i mean, i could re-learn my mom & my sis cuz they're still here zenbetty: and it was also funny cuz his brit friends said zenbetty: what a refreshing feeling that would be, you wouldn't have to hang around some blokes you didn't really like. you could just say hey, man, i don't remember you, then start over zenbetty: ha p3000: funny p3000: yeah, so you wouldn't want to remember or would you? p3000: i would, even the bad stuff p3000: i'd be too damn curious zenbetty: well that's how he was in the beginning...then it sort of changed zenbetty: he had a new girlfriend with the new him, and they were thinking zenbetty: well what if it all just comes back one day, will he be the same old person he used to be or the new one he has become p3000: no shit zenbetty: it was sort of like you had to re-learn the people you "already knew" zenbetty: so in the process the guy who made the documentary was an old brit friend who flew in zenbetty: and he was narrating saying that as he learns the new doug zenbetty: the old doug is disappearing p3000: how sad! zenbetty: no, but it's sort of for the best p3000: oh zenbetty: it wasn't sad, it was beautiful zenbetty: he was seeing the new york lights for the first time zenbetty: and the ocean for the first time zenbetty: and fashion and people and tv and music zenbetty: he was like, i just found this great band! the rolling stones! p3000: HA! zenbetty: gave me chills, made me cry zenbetty: i mean, to see the world through the eyes of child but with a mature mind, it was so incredible zenbetty: made me want to take NOTHING for granted zenbetty: but we can't help it sometimes, we get stuck in routine p3000: i'm so putting this on my netflix zenbetty: he was taking history classes zenbetty: and re-learning what had happened in the world, re-learning history & everything zenbetty: i mean, how incredible is that zenbetty: i don't know if it was that good of a documentary per se zenbetty: but personally, though, it just made me really really think zenbetty: who am i? what makes us who we are? zenbetty: is it our memories? etc etc etc zenbetty: ugh! i couldn't sleep. brain in overdrive, haha zenbetty: http://www.unknownwhitemale.co.uk/ p3000: wait - so he just woke up with amnesia? there wasn't a blow to the head or anything? zenbetty: he "came to" on a subway bus in NY zenbetty: they don't know p3000: that's fascinating. why would the mind do that? zenbetty: they really sort of don't know zenbetty: in general, in the medical community p3000: i wonder if it's something that the mind can't handle (crisis, extreme stress) so it shuts down or if it's biological - his brain just restarted like a computer zenbetty: sort of yeah zenbetty: that and sometimes for whatever reason zenbetty: after it shuts down, the mind no longer wants to handle it or the brain no longer wants to remember zenbetty: i don't know zenbetty: it would be so fun to see sand and the ocean for the first time p3000: yeah p3000: but i'd hate to relearn all my mistakes zenbetty: well zenbetty: yeah zenbetty: but maybe they're in there zenbetty: what you learned, it's all there, you just can't grasp it exactly zenbetty: you know, he was nice before *and* after zenbetty: he didn't turn into a jerk or anything weird, you know, he didn't turn into a totally different type of person zenbetty: i mean, just cuz you can't remember something, you're still the same person, right? zenbetty: or are you? zenbetty: or are you better? because you have no guilt and no regret zenbetty: no conceit, no pretensions p3000: well yeah, i believe you'd be the same kind of person basically p3000: whenever people say "if i had it to do all over again" - i'd never want to do it all over again b/c i believe it would still come out the same way. even if you tried to make it different. p3000: not like fate really b/c you could do "it" in different ways, but i believe the result would be the same p3000: which takes the edge off of fretting about "should haves" and "meant to bes" zenbetty: i know, for the most part, i'd do most of it the same zenbetty: but you never know though, do "things happen for a reason" ? zenbetty: who knows...
posted by
zenbetty at 2:29 PM
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Mom is perfectly fine
Can't remember who all I told, but I took yesterday off work to take my mother to her colonoscopy and (since she has previously had breast cancer and we lost my father to cancer) she was completely convinced they were going to find some sort of cancer. BUT everything checked out fine! and doped-up mom, after the procedure, was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the valium-like drug wore off and she was her same ol' self by last night, ha, forgetting all the promises she made in her "happy" state to stop stressing herself out in the future.
But yes, no cancer at this time! Thanks for listening, and if I just spilled it on you this past week without you asking, thanks for not turning away and leaving me talking to myself at some point. ha.
Good day sunshine! I love April in Austin!
p.s. If you know of anyone needing a colonoscopy, they should really go. It honestly was a quick, simple, and painless procedure. My mom found a great Endoscopy Center and Doctor off Steck Ave, where all the staff was wonderfully helpful and courteous.
posted by
zenbetty at 2:51 PM