wTuesday, April 11, 2006 |

Mom is perfectly fine
Can't remember who all I told, but I took yesterday off work to take my mother to her colonoscopy and (since she has previously had breast cancer and we lost my father to cancer) she was completely convinced they were going to find some sort of cancer. BUT everything checked out fine! and doped-up mom, after the procedure, was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the valium-like drug wore off and she was her same ol' self by last night, ha, forgetting all the promises she made in her "happy" state to stop stressing herself out in the future.
But yes, no cancer at this time! Thanks for listening, and if I just spilled it on you this past week without you asking, thanks for not turning away and leaving me talking to myself at some point. ha.
Good day sunshine! I love April in Austin!
p.s. If you know of anyone needing a colonoscopy, they should really go. It honestly was a quick, simple, and painless procedure. My mom found a great Endoscopy Center and Doctor off Steck Ave, where all the staff was wonderfully helpful and courteous.
posted by
zenbetty at 2:51 PM