wFriday, July 14, 2006 |

Margaret Cho is my new hero:
3/23/06 Beautiful
Once a friend was upset about going home. Me: "Why?" Her: "Because you can take a cab, but I can't." Me: "Why not?" Her: "Because I am really pretty. You are so lucky because nobody bothers you. I could get raped." Me: "I could get raped too!" Her: "Marg. Ok, get real now. You would not get raped. They don't go for girls like you." Me: "Like what?" Her: "Whatever..."
A DJ asked me, "What if you woke up tomorrow, and you were beautiful? I mean really beautiful. You were 19, blonde, weighed 110 pounds, 5'11" and beautiful. What would you do?"
I am beautiful now. The DJ says, "You know what I mean."
No. I don't. Just because you are blind, and unable to see my beauty doesn't mean it does not exist. I am so fucking beautiful I have players lined up around the block around the clock waiting for me...
I have to believe that I am beautiful because if I don't I will die.
Read more here
posted by
zenbetty at 3:32 PM