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seriously folks, i wasn't kidding about my WB infatuation/addiction. it's time for the sunday double feature, one of my favorite times of the week. if anyone wants to lie in bed with me for four hours every sunday watching really bad tv while just 'cruisin' the internet, the position is open.
right now we have Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II. and then we have Dracula: Dead and Loving It, a Mel Brooks film starring Leslie Nielsen, that i've never seen before, and i'm sure i'm not missing much.
i think my two favorite vampire movies have to be The Hunger, starring hot David Bowie and even hotter Susan Sarandon (can you tell i have a crush on Ms. Sarandon). and Vampire's Kiss, starring my all-time favorite hottie Nicolas Cage. if you've never seen Vampire's Kiss, you should definitely rent it. [spoiler] i haven't seen it in years, but Cage wears fake vampire fangs and basically loses it, i think he even ate a real live cockroach for the movie.
my boyfriend Crispin Glover has postponed his visit til February. i hope i can make it then; i was set on going now.
last night when we got home, we put in Apocalypse Now. i love that movie. unfortunately it was late & i was exhausted so i only caught the first forty minutes or so, and want to re-watch today/soon. there's tons of good factoids here & here about the film.

posted by
zenbetty at 12:40 PM
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i'm weird. well i guess i'm weird. normal people tell me i'm weird. even abnormal people do too. i don't know what that means really. if it means i don't cater to your standards, well that's fine by me. if it means i don't fit your mold, again, that's fine with me.
i've never been a U2 fan. nor do i like that Morissey guy. whiny ass bitch.
i just re-read through my last month or so of posts, and i caught two spelling errors, along with other errors. if any one of you out there *ever* catches a spelling error, PLEASE email me and let me know. i hate spelling errors. hate.
some of these are so sad and wrong, i really can't understand why i love them so much.
bad movie saturday. it's either Spy Hard on the WB or Child's Play on Fox.
dude, i'm totally watching Chucky!
"i'm your friend to the end! hidey-ho."
man, the kid in this movie is awful. the mom is totally overacting too.
"Chucky says Aunt Maggie was a bitch and got what she deserved."
and did you know that Chris Sarandon who plays the detective in this movie was actually Susan Sarandon's husband (hence, where she got her name)
before she ended up with Tim Robbins much later
Susan Sarandon sings a duet with Eddie Vedder which plays over the credits of Cradle Will Rock, a movie which was written & directed by Tim Robbins. i actually haven't seen that movie. perhaps i'll rent it. and thank you to imdb for all my movie trivia and facts.
have i admitted how bad the WB has sucked me in. seriously, i'm watching the mountain and one tree hill. and i'm actually liking them.
wow, those horse jockeys really are little men, aren't they?
i think i'm gonna go eat some froot loops.
why are commercials so damn loud?!
this movie looks pretty good: Enduring Love
non sequitur : a statement that does not follow logically from anything previously said
posted by
zenbetty at 3:18 PM
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happy friday all. happy halloween weekend. i guess i'll go hunt for some sort of costume today. and i have to vote. and i have to go to the bank and mail off some bills. man, i need some money. or i just need to quit spending so much.
i have a lot of blog half-entries that i haven't entered. now they're a week old and almost seem already outdated. i gotta quit saving drafts and just post the durn things immediately. maybe i'll do that this weekend. but i doubt it. i think it's gonna be a halloween marathon bender kind of weekend...which already started last night.
i'm losing all my single girlfriends. they're getting married, moving away, etc. so if you're a single gal out there and like to go out drinking and watching movies and seeing music, drop me a line: zenbetty@hotmail.com. and i guess, if you're a single guy out there who likes to go out drinking and watching movies and seeing music, well, drop me a line as well because all my friends tell me i need to date. although i don't really want to date. see, look, that's the wrong attitude coming out already.
okay, i need to go run a ton of errands today. wish me luck. i haven't driven since monday. i did shower last night, so that's good, right?
posted by
zenbetty at 1:53 PM
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"Naturally, the common people don't want war, neither in Russia, nor England, nor for that matter Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is leaders of the country who determine the policy; and it is always a simple matter to drag people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."
--Hermann Goering at the 1946 Nuremberg Trials
posted by
zenbetty at 4:32 PM