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Ode to Necrophilia
Yes, I'm going there...
David Cross - Necrophilia What's so wrong about donating your dead body to necrophiliacs?
Necrophilia on Wikipedia

Over the years, a child's romantic ideals about death blossom into necrophilia, and the most profound relationship of her life.
Seriously, I was joking all day yesterday, saying "it's not illegal." And now, I really can't find anything online stating that necrophilia is illegal in Texas.
That is curious. And sick. But still...
I questioned AskJeeves.com and they said "That query did not comply with their terms of service." Meaning, that question was too warped to answer and they're probably tracking my ISP address right now. Grrrreat~
And now for something completely different...
Ode to Cannibalism
Court sentences German cannibal to life for murder
Meiwes (the cannibal) corresponded with 400 people over the Internet in his search for a willing victim before stumbling upon Bernd-Juergen Brandes, a high-ranking IT manager with German firm Siemens, who agreed to the pact.
In a tale that horrified the country and inspired a feature film, Brandes traveled by train to meet Meiwes, where the cannibal videotaped himself severing Brandes' penis with a knife. Both men tried to eat the severed organ, but without success.
Bleeding profusely, Brandes fell unconscious. With the video recorder still rolling, Meiwes laid him out on a bench, kissing him on the lips before plunging a knife into his throat.
Okay...I'll stop there for today.
posted by
zenbetty at 5:35 PM
wTuesday, May 02, 2006 |

New Year, New You
...right? Well, my "new year" starts now. I'm on a different fiscal year than January 1st, because, well I say so! I'm just too damn busy to start a new budget or take on new tasks in the middle of January...I can't even think straight until April.
So...May 1st it is! I now reopen my budget book. (You, too, can own one for under five bucks from any Office Depot store.)
My budgeting concerns this summer: 1) I need to replace my lost/stolen digital camera. New = +$300. Used = $100. Free would be better! 2) I want to replace my stolen iPod. New = +$300. Used = $100. Free would be better! 3) I would like to travel in a couple of months. 4) I would like to start saving some bucks cuz I'm not getting any younger. 5) Oh yeah, everyone except me hates my 1990 cell phone and says I should get a new one with text messaging, etc. We'll see...it sounds expensive.
I hate thieves! Did I mention that already?! Anyway, so this budget book has some tips, and I think they'd work for you, too. Believe you me, I'm not writing down all of them, just the ones I think I might be able to do. ha!
Money Saving Suggestions
-Spend less for certain expenses (cutting down on drinking in bars & eating out in restaurants, never buying cigarettes again, etc.) -Be on the look out for weekly food specials, and use coupons. -Use a shopping list and stick to it. Reduce "impulse" buying. -Compare prices on everything everywhere. (Still, don't skimp when it comes to buying organic versus non. It's worth every penny.) -Ride your bicycle as much as possible. Save money on gas. (Check out the nation's gas prices.) -Bring your lunch from home instead of eating out every day. -Just say No...to your credit card that is. Don't use 'em. -Make use of your own (or your friends') skills instead of paying for services (such as washing your car, mowing your lawn, fixing your bike, making things instead of buying them, etc.)
Hmmm...That's a GREAT idea. Okay, then, let's see...maybe I can get by with a little help from my friends!
I Have Needs - YOU Can Help!
-Computer Help. My PC is totally kaput. And I have no idea how to fix it, or what to buy, or how to transfer my old stuff to a new hard drive, or where I would even go to ask all these questions. If you are out there and can help me, please do. Please email me: zenbetty@hotmail.com
-Digital Guru. If you have an iPod or a digital camera that you would like to sell to me, please do! Or if you have expert electronic knowledge and can point me in the right direction of my purchases, I would completely appreciate it and will take whatever advice you have.
-Bicycle Help. I have two bikes: 1 cruiser, 1 mountain bike. And I need to ride both much more. Can someone please help me to get both of these (or either one) into tiptop shape? Any advice on Austin bike laws...do I need lights in both the back & front, etc? Anyone who can help me do this (rather than paying full price in a bike shop), I would gladly reciprocate with beer and a home-cooked meal. (Does spaghetti count?) So please, let me know. Mucho Gracias!
-Hair Affair. Any of you ladies (or gentlemen) out there any good with hair? Heck, it's summer. Let's highlight it! Let's do something! Anyone good at cutting bangs at least? Anyone need a guinea pig in your salon chair, count me in.
-Car Shop Advice. I need to take my car in this summer. Please just give me some sage advice or simple words of lingo so that I don't get totally and completely ripped off. I hate that. I hate not being the master of my domain. I think I'm going in for a standard checkup and then they whip out the big fears. I used to work at one. I know.
-Greenhouse Rock. Any green thumbs out there? Jason? Advise me one weekend on how to go about growing my own tomatoes in the backyard? and cilantro? and jalapenos? Or whatever else grows well here with the least amount of maintenance...cuz my thumb is actually a wee tad brown.
-Dinner night. Anyone want to have a potluck every now & then. If ever I do cook, I only cook for one, so I tend to eat the leftovers for 2-3 days afterwards (boring). Else, I end up just throwing away large portions. What a waste. Let's have dinner and a movie.
-Keep Austin Free. Anything FREE FREE FREE in town, let me know. Concerts, lectures, art exhibits, etc! I'm willing to try anything once...for free!
-Beer Me. I'm recently TABC certified again. So if you know of any part-time jobs or any shifts someone needs filled in at the last minute, do let me know. I'm flexible! And willing.
And from my own experience, I know~
-Everyone loves a librarian. I frequent the library a lot. There, you can rent DVDs for free for an entire week. Check out books for free for three weeks. And renew once online to double that loan time.
So do let me know. I'm completely serious. If you have any free time this summer, I need help:
Computers, Cars, Cameras, Bikes, Beers, Books, Dinner & a Movie, etc. Okay, honestly, I could use your help. I have a few months to live & learn, to fit all my new year's resolutions and to-do lists into a concise little list and check them all off.
So...if you're out there. Help me in my crusade to becoming a better person. Thank you.
Please email me: zenbetty@hotmail.com.
zenbetty signing off.
posted by
zenbetty at 3:25 PM
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Damn! I sure got stuck on some NY Times articles today! I'm sure that's what I get for not logging on all weekend...
So, here's me:
A Clue to the Hoarder's Compulsion for Clutter
Scientists have long been puzzled by pathological hoarding, which afflicts up to 40 percent of the seven million to eight million Americans with obsessive compulsive disorder. As a group, studies show excessive hoarders fill their houses with accumulations of junk, usually newspapers, bags of old clothing and lists.
Compulsive hoarders, compared with people with other compulsive symptoms, had decreased activity in the anterior cingulate, a brain structure involved in decision making and problem solving. The hoarders also showed less activation than the healthy subjects in the posterior cingulate, an area involved in spatial orientation, memory, and emotion.
Dr. Saxena said the study might explain why hoarders are so attached to their possessions. Deciding what to keep and what to discard is often a struggle. They are tormented by fears of throwing out items that may be needed one day. Often, the objects are kept in the open, stacked to the ceiling in the living room, the kitchen or even on the bed, Dr. Saxena said. That may result from the lower activity levels in brain regions that govern memory and spatial orientation.
''It may have to do with the difficulty they have in their visual spatial processing,'' he said. ''And they may have some trouble remembering where things are and feel that they need to have them in sight.''
So damn, what's a girl to do?
posted by
zenbetty at 3:46 PM
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Safeguard Organic Standards!
* Kraft Foods bought small natural cereals producer Back to Nature in 2004. The company is a subsidiary of Altria Group, which also owns Phillip Morris Companies Inc., one of the largest cigarette makers in the world. Kraft also owns Boca Burger Inc.
* Odwalla Inc., which produces natural and organic fruit juices, was purchased by Coca-Cola in 2001.
* Dean Foods Co., the largest dairy company in the U.S., bought out Horizon Organic in 2003, in addition to Silk soymilk and White Wave tofu.
* Kellogg's has acquired several natural and organic brands: Kashi Cereal and Morningstar Farms.
* General Mills purchased Cascadian Farm, in 2000. The brand consists of items such as frozen fruit, vegetables, granola bars, and fruit spreads. General Mills also bought out Muir Glen, which produces ketchup, tomato sauce, and salsa.
* Unilever bought out Ben & Jerry's for $326 million.
* Colgate-Palmolive Co. is purchasing Tom's of Maine, which specializes in natural oral and personal care products.
Organic Standards Under Fire:
Agribusiness front groups, such as the Farm Bureau, big food corporations like Kraft, biotech companies such as Monsanto, right-wing think tanks, such as the Hudson Institute, and industry-friendly government agencies have consistently tried to undermine organic standards and get the USDA to allow conventional chemical-intensive and factory farm practices on organic farms. Unless strict organic standards are maintained, consumers will lose faith in the organic label.
SOS link here
posted by
zenbetty at 12:41 PM