wSaturday, November 26, 2005 |

so today's the starting day: i'm gonna work off my beer belly.
i just googled "lose tummy in four weeks" and horribly to my surprise, the only links that showed up were abdominoplasty sites and others about tummy tucks. and that is just sad. and pisses me off.
so i tried again (with a little inspiration from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, oh wait no, that's Absolutely Fabulous): Fab Abs in Four Weeks! i love it. now if i were a physical trainer, that would be the title of my course. but anyway, i came across this Fab Abs Planner, so wish me luck! wanna join me?
so today i've watched Fools Rush In (which is a horrible movie, by the way) and Overboard (which I absolutely love and own and should have popped in rather than sit thru commercials), and now i'm watching Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle. I have yet to decide if I'm gonna hit the town tonight or not. I also have to decide if i'm gonna abide by capitalization rules. or not.
but i'll postpone that decision till later...
well that stupid calendar link was bunk! now what am i gonna do. well...at least i tried, right? well tried to think about it at least.
posted by
zenbetty at 7:19 PM
wTuesday, October 18, 2005 |

right now is the BEST twilight zone episode...ever!
Submitted for your approval: "The Eye of the Beholder"
Writer/host Rod Serling created one of the show's most terrifying and unforgettable examinations of conformity. In an unspecified society, a troubled woman is so horrified by her "deformed" face and so desperate to look like everyone else that she undergoes a last-chance operation on her face to fix the freakishness that will have her sent to a reservation of outcasts. But when an unseen medical team is finished and the bandages are finally unwrapped, well...i won't spoil the ending. Suffice it to say, thought, that it's one of the most chillingly ironic conclusions in a series hailed for such things.
"Why shouldn't people be allowed to be different?!"
i think watching these twilight zone reruns as a kid really affected the way i thought, seriously. this one and Number 12 Looks Just Like You made me okay with not looking and acting just like everyone else.
Number Twelve Looks Just Like You Writer: John Tomerlin, based on the short story "The Beautiful People" by Charles Beaumont (credited to Beaumont) Director: Abner Biberman
A young woman resists pressure to be transformed into a state-controlled image of flawless beauty. CAST: Collin Wilcox, Suzy Parker, Richard Long, Pam Austin. that and Stepford Wives (the original)
posted by
zenbetty at 12:01 AM
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i'm like mike myers (charlie) in so i married an axe murderer...
[The angelic blonde in the broken picture is Charlie's girlfriend, SHERRI.]
CHARLIE Sherri! What are you doing?
SHERRI I'm leaving you.
CHARLIE Oh, thank God... I thought you were robbing our own home, because frankly, that's insane. I mean, what could you possibly gain by robbing your own home? I don't mean to meddle, but isn't it better to rob other peoples' homes? Start accumulating their wealth as opposed to just reaccumulating your own wealth.
SHERRI That's not funny, Charlie. I'm really leaving.
[She continues to pack. Charlie tries to unpack her things.]
CHARLIE What?! Just because we had a fight last night?
SHERRI We've had a fight every night for two months. Ever since I brought up the subject of marriage, you've found fault with everything I do. Why couldn't we have gotten married, Charlie?
CHARLIE I'm too young to get married. (begins putting her things back) I'm only twenty-nine and a half. We love living together.
SHERRI It's been two years now. I need something more.
CHARLIE See, Sherri, this is frustrating for me, okay. When we first started going out I thought we agreed that we weren't the sort of people who got married.
SHERRI That's like saying we're not the sort of people who are going to grow old. We're not going to fall into that "growing old" trap. Face it, you've got a problem with commitment, Charlie. Take a look at your other girlfriends. Every time you get close to a commitment there's something wrong with them.
CHARLIE Hey, I broke up with them for good reasons.
SHERRI What about Sandy?
CHARLIE Sandy was an alcoholic.
SHERRI No-no-no. You thought she was an alcoholic. She just drank more than you drank. What about Jill?
CHARLIE She hated my family.
SHERRI You thought she hated your family. Nobody hates your family. Everybody loves your family. What about Julie?
CHARLIE She smelled like soup.
SHERRI What does that mean?
CHARLIE She smelled exactly like Campbell's Beef Vegetable soup. She was dirty, physically dirty.
SHERRI Well, Charlie, I wonder what you're gonna say were my problems? Are you gonna tell your friends that I was a junkie, that I wasn't supportive enough or that I smelled like relish? Charlie, I loved you. It could have worked out. (she goes to the door) Think about it.
[She leaves.]
[Charlie and his best friend, TONY SPILETTI, are out for a night on the town.]
CHARLIE I had that dream again.
TONY Oh, is that the one where you suspect that a fat man in a diaper, on a lazy susan has interfered with your plans for the evening?
CHARLIE No, but I have had that one. No, in this one I'm in love...
TONY Yeah.
CHARLIE And I say to myself, "I've finally found somebody that I'm truly comfortable with." You know when you're so comfortable that you'll let them put makeup on you to see what you would look like if you were a girl. Anyways you know what I do in the dream next?
TONY You propose?
CHARLIE (after a pause) No. I die.
TONY But Charlie, you're a normal suburban guy at heart, from a normal suburban family. Didn't you tell me you always wanted to get married and have a family.
CHARLIE Yes, but, I'm afraid, okay? There are seven main rites of passage in a man's life. Birth, first day of school, last day of school. Marriage. Kids. Retirement. Death. I'm at marriage. I'm two rites of passage away from death.
TONY I'm sorry, I wasn't listening.
[Charlie checks out the girls in the coffee bar.]
CHARLIE I'm so bummed. Sherri was great, wasn't she? I'm an asshole, aren't I?
CHARLIE You've got to help me get through this night.
TONY You've just got to get back on the horse.
[The waitress arrives with two cappuccinos in extremely large cups.]
CHARLIE Waitress, I'm sorry, there seems to be a mistake. I ordered the large cappuccino.
[Two girls at a nearby table, laugh. Charlie and Tony exchange, "This could be promising." looks.]
CHARLIE (to the girls) Do you think these cups could be larger? They're practically bowls.
[The girls laugh again.]
CHARLIE I feel like I'm having Campbell's Cuppuccino.
TONY Join us in a cup of coffee? There's enough room?
[The girls come over.]
SUSAN My name's Susan and this is June. We think you're funny.
TONY My name's Tony. This is my friend Charlie.
CHARLIE Look, Tony, I'm going home. See you later, girls.
[Tony grabs him and pulls him aside.]
TONY You really don't understand, do you? When a girl comes over to your table and says, "I think you're funny." It means you've pretty much been given the keys to the city. Charlie, this is big.
CHARLIE Perhaps you've confused me with someone who gives a shit. Here's what's gonna happen, Tony. We'll end up going out with them tonight, maybe even home with them. Well go out for two months. Soon she'll move in, we'll be happy, She'll want more of a commitment. I'll be terrified and I'll do something to ruin it. Just like I did with Sherri.
posted by
zenbetty at 1:31 PM
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file under: spam is fun
okay, i just got the best spam EVER~
Subject: spermatazoa best
Satisfied Customers Testimonials
Jimmy ---- 47, Male, UK What you claim is wrong. My sperm volume didn't increase by 500%. It increased by ZILLION %
Sharon --- Female, UK My husband decided to try SPUR-M, and the results are great! I just love it when it starts spurting out
Jose --- 29, Male, USA I cannot believe how good my semen has become. It is a thick blob that shoots like a rocket. My wife says she can feel the force with which my semen hits her inside, which earlier she couldn't even feel. I don't know about other customers but I am lovin it.
Michael --- 41, Male, Hong Kong I always dreamt of shooting like a porn star and I can do it now, my girl cannot eat as much as I can shoot.
"My wife and I had been looking for a product to help with boosting male fertility. I am happy to say that test results have improved in the time I have been using Spur-M (2 months). Thank you for your assistance, and for the supply of Spur-M" M. Rosenberg, NYC, USA
not interested, pls go here http://www.newgoodprd.com/k.php
i haven't checked the links; i just kept them in there in case you were interested...
posted by
zenbetty at 5:15 PM
wThursday, October 06, 2005 |

beware the black egg
okay, i just cracked my first black egg yolk last night and it was the grossest thing in the world. and it scared me, like a scary movie would: "oh no! the yolk is black! what a terrible sign!" but yes, it ruined the one egg that was already in the bowl, so i poured them both down the disposal. but it STUNK, how it stunk! regardless, there were two eggs left in the carton so i cracked them, scrambled them, and ate them. and as far as i know, they were all a month or more over expiration. (but i've got a pretty tough stomach) i couldn't really find anything on the web about this, and it was my first (and hopefully only) experience with it. my roommates weren't home so i had no one to share it with. i am a vegetarian, but eggs don't bother me. they're just chicken periods, coming out of their butts. haha. but you're not killing anything so it's fine in my opinion. i get free range, organic chicken eggs (but yeah, free-range just might be bullshit, so i want chickens of my own roaming in the backyard so i know). but i never really wanted to eat egg beaters because they seemed really unnatural to me. well, that's just my two cents for the day. and i'll leave you with my advice: stay away from the black egg yolk!
posted by
zenbetty at 2:50 PM
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Medium tonight reminded me of this great little movie (and book) The Snake Pit
Virginia Cunningham finds herself in a state insane asylum...and can't remember how she got there.
Mary Jane Ward's book, upon which this film was based, was an autobiographical account of what happened to the author during her various stints in mental institutions. The book caused a lot of controversy when it came out in 1946 as it was a scathing indictment of the treatment of mental patients, a subject considered taboo in the 40s. Naturally, it was a runaway bestseller. -imdb
this movie/book and Girl, Interrupted both scare me to the core. i'm always afraid i'm gonna be misunderstood and end up in some psych ward.
Razors pain you. Rivers are damp. Acids stain you. And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful. Nooses give. Gas smells awful. You might as well live. -Dorothy Parker
Susanna is depressed and directionless after finishing high school. (who isn't?!)
"Have you ever confused a dream with life? Or stolen something when you have the cash? Have you ever been blue? Or thought your train moving while sitting still? Maybe I was just crazy. Maybe it was the 60's. Or maybe I was just a girl...interrupted.
-You know, I can take a lot of crazy shit from a lot of crazy people - but you...you are *not* crazy. -Then what's wrong with me, huh? What the fuck is going on inside my head? Tell me, Dr. Val. What's your diag-nonsense? -You are a lazy, self-indulgent little girl, who is driving herself crazy.
-[reading from a book] "Borderline Personality Disorder. An instability of self-image, relationships and mood...uncertain about goals, impulsive in activities that are self-damaging, such as casual sex." -I like that. -"Social contrariness and a generally pessimistic attitude are often observed." [pauses] Well that's me. -That's everybody.
Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is... Crazy isn't being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It's you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever.
-Is there something about sex which lifts your feelings of despair? -Have you ever had sex?"
posted by
zenbetty at 10:06 PM
wThursday, September 29, 2005 |

 I didn't make it to my movie last night, but tonight I have fallen in love with Anderson Cooper
also in the news:
California is burning
New Orleans cops suspended for looting
Local sheriffs are shooting dogs
Tom DeLay was indicted
Cindy Sheehan was arrested
Evacuees are cruising on our tax dollars
CHRIS LAWRENCE, CNN CORRESPONDENT, (voice over): You're looking at one of the most expensive cruises money can buy and you bought it. Your tax dollars fund FEMA, which paid more than $230 million to Carnival Cruise Lines. FEMA bought out three cruise ships for six months, expecting close to 10,000 evacuees to live on board. There's fewer than 2,000 people still there.
REP JAY INSLEE, (D) WASHINGTON: So it actually costs the taxpayers about $3,500 a week and you can go on a cruise for $599 a week.
...and I've never even been on a cruise!! Good thing I don't pay taxes!!
I've been watching way too much cnn this evening...
posted by
zenbetty at 11:46 PM
wTuesday, September 27, 2005 |

on a road to nowhere
do you ever just drive and don't know where you're going? i do that a lot, well i do that sometimes. i actually don't drive that much, but when something is wrong in my life, very wrong, the car offers some solitude. if you have roommates, sometimes you just don't like to show yourself being sad in front of them. i've always not been good at showing my sadness to others very much. when my father was dying, i would just drive and drive and drive and didn't know where i was gonna end up. monday morning, miss kitty wasn't doing well after the 100-degree weekend. so i took her in about lunchtime for a checkup and some help, and she needed to stay overnight with an i.v. because her fluids were so low and she had become so dehydrated (because of her kidneys failing) that she wasn't even eating. and i'm a bad mother, because i was at acl all day sunday. so i knew that she wouldn't be in my room after work on monday, so i didn't want to go there. i went to the library, which was sort of my own ritual that i would do on mondays. but then after that, i kept driving, not knowing where i'd end up. well, i ended up at Sunflower Restaurant, which i love. i used to go there by myself a lot, well, because honestly, i knew that it would be rare if someone i knew was in there the same time that i was. i sit there by myself, and read what i had just checked out from the library, and i'd know that there's a sadness that exists from something or someone being in your life who is fading away. and the car offers some solace to me. and my drives without destinations. and sitting alone at a restaurant not having the need of conversation or small talk is also a comfort at times.
so tonight, i went to this AFS movie (which was very sad about this very sad boy) and then i didn't know where to wander to once it let out by 9. i didn't want to drink (still dehydrated from this stupid weekend and this stupid heat), didn't really want to see or talk to anyone. i just wanted a couch to curl up on and finish reading my book, but alone. and i couldn't think of somewhere there was a comfy couch and some privacy, but not at home. so i think i'm gonna invent this coffee house/bar, but with more like a "living room feeling" where it wouldn't be weird to see me lounging on my side with a magazine, rather than sitting up straight in proper reading position in an upright chair. but no i'm not gonna really, but yes that is exactly what i wanted tonight. oh, but i also wanted it to be a place where nobody knew me. or cared to talk to me.
so where does that leave me. tonight, without my imaginary perfectly comfortable lounge...well then, at home, where i do what i guess what one calls "surf the internet" all night long in my aimless wandering. when i can't walk the earth, i wander online. i was trying to look up a friend's email off an old yahoo group, then forgot and came across an older yahoo group, which led me searching for "stacey pool" then ended up on craigslist.com (stupidly searching thru the 'missed connections' cuz that was the first thing stacey pool googled up), and then i renewed my AFS membership, and then i looked up what else was on tv per tvguide.com (yes i have cable now) and then i pretend i'm gonna get in shape again, and then i pretend i'm gonna clean my room again (as i sit here and stare at the mess while surfin' the internet all night and watching bad tv), and then i pretend i'm gonna get a good night's sleep again (which it's already 12:34 am and i'm still watching bad tv and i can't turn this computer off either, but it's better than playing my stupid online games till 4am). well, one of the things i did tonight that was actually productive but could have proved fatal, well not fatal, but the "i" "k" "8" "," column of keys on my laptop here has not been working for the past few weeks, which is part of the reason i haven't been online at nights (do you know how annoying it is for keys on your keyboard to not work, much less the 2nd letter of your own freakin' name to not work!) so i completely dissected those two keys (i & k) then i had to dissect the "l" to figure out how to put it all back together which way. then the little bittie pieces under the keys came apart and this all happened last night as i was falling apart which made it all even more unbearable. but then for some reason, they started working again tonight. and then for some reason, i had the patience to focus and get the little pieces to all connect and belong in their place and get the keys attached again, so now of course, i can't stop typing. but i must say, backdraft looks like one of the stupidest movies in the world, why the HELL did it get such a good review?! (it did, didn't it?!) last night i watched Apollo 13 - uh, so-so. i'm sure that it got rave reviews as well. last night, from the library, i rented Team America World Police, Whale Rider, and Taboo. but this should really all be updated on jybil instead of here. and speaking of which, reform school jill needs a good updating, especially seeing as Bad Girls Behind Bars is playing next week, that me and BigSleep666 (and probably HotGirlfriend666) will be attending via AGLIFF.
okay i've said enough. enough said. that's all she wrote. backdraft sucks. and the fat lady just sang...
"look at him...that's my brother, goddammit!" o jeez spare me.
does stacey pool still exist?
you don't get any links this entry cuz i'm lazy and i don't love you anymore. -zb
posted by
zenbetty at 11:21 PM
wMonday, September 19, 2005 |

Shiver Me Timbers!
Today is international talk like a pirate day.

How To Be Speakin' Pirate-Like:
Double up on all your adjectives and you'll be bountifully bombastic with your phrasing. Pirates never speak of "a big ship," they call it a "great grand ship!" They never say never, they say "No nay ne'er!"
Drop all your "g"s when you speak and you'll get words like rowin', sailin' and fightin'. Dropping all of your "v"s will get you words like "ne'er," "e'er" and "o'er."
Instead of saying "I am," sailors say, "I be." Instead of saying "You are," sailors say, "You be." Instead of saying, "They are," sailors say, "They be." And ne'er speak in anythin' but the present tense!
more pirate talk here.
and sport some pirate attire.
posted by
zenbetty at 10:11 AM
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miss kitty
life. life! life...
well i was doing great! paying off old credit card debt. working weekends - cooking food demos (haha, yeah me cooking). so i've been going out less and staying in more. taking care of myself. going to physical therapy twice a week to fix my broken fingers (in the a.m.) so i'm getting up earlier, which means drinking less. yesterday i started walking around town lake cuz it's finally cooling off a bit. i think i walked about five miles, i don't know, i hadn't done it before, i was just walking. but things were going great. solo, but nice. relaxing. healthier. haven't smoked since june 4th.
cooked a big batch of potato soup last night. dunno, trying new things, trying to eat healthier too. trying to pay my bills on time. and tend to things as i should. so i woke up early this morning to take miss kitty to the vet for her annual shots...then a few hours ago they called me and said they heard a heart murmur and it might be serious and they need to do bloodwork and if they don't find anything then they'll have to do an ultrasound of the heart. well that just sucks. and on top of it sucking, it costs a lot of money. just as i was trying to be happy and take care of things, something goes wrong. that's just life. but it keeps surprising me in a wicked way every time.
as i was walking around town lake yesterday, i was thinking to myself. uh-oh, i feel too good. i feel too happy. i feel too healthy. something's gonna go wrong. now i know what self-fulfilling prophecies are, but this is not one of them. it's just that the powers-at-be do not like to see too many things in my life going well at the same time. they just don't. they're like uh-oh, we missed it, jill's happy & healthy, we gotta go send something bad her way...
so, if you had caught me this morning, i would have been bouncing off the walls. happy & energetic & healthy & crawling out of debt. and now, this afternoon, all i want to do is curl up and watch movies and stay in bed. and listen to miss kitty purr.
i was sitting at my desk crying earlier today. it's not like i'm one of those girls whose pet is her life and has a picture of her cat on her desk. so fuck you for thinking that. i'm one of those people who let another living being into my life (at a point when i didn't even like cats) and this creature has been the only constant thing in my life for the past 13 years. boyfriends. roommates. houses. jobs. cars. friends (well my friends stick around pretty long too). but seriously, the ONE thing, the one breathing thing that i knew would be there in the morning when i woke up. and it was always comforting to know that.
when i was in thailand, it was miss kitty and only miss kitty that i worried about back home during those couple weeks i was gone. when i took her in to the vet this morning, then ran back home to get ready for work, there was a weird feeling knowing that she wasn't in my room, that she wasn't in the house at all. and i thought to myself, it's gonna be like this some day. i'll forget she's gone, and i'll come in and do my little "misss kiiiitty" thing, and then i'll realize that she's gone, and i forgot, and that's that. and no i don't want another cat. i didn't even want her, if you know the story, then you know that she was pregnant on my steps in 1993 and wouldn't go away. so i finally let her in. but wouldn't "let" her in...until she gave birth to three (and only three) little kitties (who, in fact, turned out to be some of the coolest cats i had ever met). i wasn't a cat person. will never be. but then she was never really a cat. she used to scratch the door like a dog to let her out. she was her own person. and she picked me.
when she's gone, that's it. and now i can be homeless. i can travel. i can disappear. she was my *only* responsibility. i don't see how people can just give their cats away, if they have to move, or if their boyfriend is allergic. i'm not a cat person. but i'm a miss kitty person. (her, um, 'birth certificate' name at the vet is actually freaker. because she was such a freak in the beginning, meaning she wouldn't go away. but she didn't want me to touch her either. little did i know then that she was pregnant at the time.) but i couldn't give away miss kitty. ever. or live in a place that didn't allow cats. i mean, these things weren't even an option, once she picked me and i pretty much said, yes i'll take care of you, you are safe here, you can relax now. well, that was it. done deal.
seriously, i was getting teary-eyed at work, and kept asking the vet on the phone, well what does this mean and what does that mean. and she kept evading my questions, "we won't know till we get the bloodwork back" and i'm like sorry but i need the worst-case scenario. i have seen people, human beings, deteriorate in front of my eyes because the doctors aren't honest enough to tell you how serious some medical problems are. i knew this was coming, that the death of my cat would make me cry more than the death of my father. just because i didn't cry at my father's death. i couldn't. i was "the strong one." i had to fake it and make all the arrangements and let them lean on me. but after that, after that i would shake my cat awake every night when i didn't hear her breathing, "are you dead?" "are you dead?" that's all i kept thinking. she's next. when someone passes away in the same room as you, "are you dead?" "are you still breathing?" those words. in your head. are frightening. and peaceful. and confusing. and should be changed to, "are you no longer in pain?"
i was sitting there at the vet's office earlier, i wanted to pick her up and get her out of there as soon as they told me the news over the phone, and i ended up being one of those people (but not really, cuz i would do anything for her) who asks, well how much will this cost? as if there is a price limit to what i would do for my cat. well there is, isn't there? i mean, i could afford a couple hundred (which i had to slap down today, which i don't have). but i mean i really honestly couldn't afford a couple thousand if that was the surgery cost. i was thinking that in my head. i can't afford this. and what terrible terrible thoughts to go through one's mind. then i'm writing my check for $188.70 going oh please let the bloodwork results show something because i'm positively sure i can't afford an ultrasound of her heart. (i wouldn't even go to the doctor for my own broken fingers cuz i was afraid of the cost. and now that i'm paying those costs, i'm also having to work weekends to cover those extra costs).
well anyway, so i'm sitting there, writing my check. and the older man next to me is getting a little aggravated, no, just a little upset. and you could hear the young receptionist's inexperience quivering in her voice as she asked "well did she ask for an estimate?" this was after she relayed his total to him, which was in the upper 100s like mine, which is why i overheard (also because they were standing right next to me). and he says, "yes, my daughter came in and was told it'd be 60 to 80." and then, my receptionist had to help the lesser experienced receptionist, and i heard the words, heard the words that i know i couldn't say for myself and realized that i would plop down whatever dollar amount and get whatever third job that i had to to pay for it all. (as i sit here crying at my desk, typing this, four hours after it has happened.)
the receptionist says, "well, we can't perform euthanasia without an exam if you have never seen us before."
their conversation continues, but i don't hear another word, as i turn around and look on the floor. and there is this big black beautiful old dog with some gray around his face. and half his belly & side are rubbed raw without hair, from himself or from whatever malady he might have. and he looked at me, he looked at me with those eyes. and i tried to read them so hard. tried to see if they were saying please do not kill me. please do not kill me. or if they were saying, i'm old and tired, i'm too tired to keep walking behind these people. i'm ready. or if his eyes were just saying, hi lady. what are you doing here? cuz i'm just enjoying the air conditioning and this cold tile floor. and the tears just started pouring down my face for this old dog. and for my miss kitty. who i don't think i could ever put to sleep. and i don't think i could ever watch her wither away in front of my eyes either. and i knew right then why this man's daughter was unable to take this old dog in to the vet's office to put it to sleep. because she saw in his eyes, that trusting look. or that unknowing look. but she did not find the it's time for me to die look, so she had to send in her father and brother. and maybe even uncle. and i'm about to break down standing there in public.
and then it was said. "well you could just go do it at the town lake shelter for five bucks if you want."
and that was it. and i burst. it took three men sitting there. one old dog. miss kitty still behind the doors in the lab. and the mention of $5 euthanasia at the town lake shelter. and i could no longer hold back the tears as i'm standing there, deciding if i want to spend $188 on miss kitty. as i look over the counter's edge at her file, and see "1993." she's been visiting this same vet since 1993 when she came in. an alley whore who was a homeless teenage pregnancy case. who needed a home. and she found one in a crazy 21-year-old girl who didn't even like cats, but was someone who knew what it felt like needing to feel safe somewhere, needing somewhere to call home.
and i could barely choke out to my receptionist, "do you have a restroom?"
"two doors to the left." as she didn't even look up.
and i went to the bathroom. to cry. i didn't have any resolution when i walked out, but i looked at that dog again. i didn't want to look too long. i didn't want those men to think i was judging them, cuz that's not what i was doing. my mom put my dog, that we grew up with, to sleep many years ago. cuz our dog couldn't see. could barely walk. and could no longer hold her bladder. but mom tried before she could do it. twice, before she was actually able. she would get Licorice in the car, and by the time they got to the vet, she was perky again and happy to be out and looking alive, and my mom just couldn't do it. i was in college at the time, so i wasn't really personally there. but she told me again, she tried again. but couldn't go through with it. again. then she'd take her home, where she'd do nothing, just lie on the kitchen floor for another stretch of time. running into things when she did get up. incontinence. and all this, these memories that i had not thought of in years (this must have been early 90s also), i hadn't thought of especially cuz i wasn't there at home, came flooding back (and probably more vivid than memories, they came flooding back as reenactments of that which i had never seen before) as i looked into this old dog's eyes. and still saw life.
it's not my decision to end life. life ends itself. life begins itself.
we're all just passing through. but still, it breaks my heart every time.
posted by
zenbetty at 4:21 PM
wWednesday, August 24, 2005 |

dream is destiny
file under: i'm weird
so this morning (mornings are when i have my most vivid dreams, or at least the most vivid memories of my dreams), i woke up (on time) yet i had just dreamed that it was 1:00pm and i was in san marcos and i had to call in and let everyone know at work that i wouldn't be there and that i'd miss the meeting and that i had to get someone to cover my job for me. so anyway, i had been at planet k last night and i met the owner john holloway and he was all tatt'd out & cool and i wanted to hang out with him after the store closed (and get to know him better, if you know what i mean). so to do that, who knows what happened (yes, i guess i even black out in my dreams, weird) i went along with everyone, and we walked over to his house, and then i woke up at 1:00pm today in some strange house in san marcos and had no idea how i got there or how i was gonna get home or how i was gonna get back to austin at all. all this for a boy. a boy who doesn't exist.
so today i googled planet k and john holloway (because i google everything) and what's weird is that i couldn't find the name of the owner of planet k (i even called the south lamar store and asked. the girl thought i was a total freak. haha) but...
planet k specializes in "a fantastic selection of pipes, cigars, imported cigarettes, and herbal tobaccos."
and the only 'john holloway' in austin, well...he lives on Rising Smoke Loop. and the web site associated with him is www.pipe-etc.com which is really kinda weird. now it would be even weirder if it weren't pvc pipes that he was selling,
but still...planet k...rising smoke...pipe-etc...what do you think?
posted by
zenbetty at 3:03 PM
wWednesday, August 17, 2005 |

you have more power than you think...
so, on the upper deck of I-35 going north this morning, i read the billboard that said:
and below it, the web site: thebillboardproject.com
pretty interesting, if anything. this whole thing out at the president's ranch. protestors. counter-protestors. words of wisdom from a counter-protestor: Stay the Course! with at least 12 magnetic ribbons on his bumper, 4 mini-ribbons (one with a cross as the center hole), and (of course, how poetic) a bumper sticker of the rebel flag. lovely.
but back to the billboard project, here's an excerpt from her blog who's visiting the protest camp quite frequently. i don't know her, all i know is her name is bonnie and she's a freelance writer who lives in austin. this billboard project is something that came about completely of her own volition, and she spends $350 per billboard that are only up for one day at a time. but i like what she wrote here about some counter-protestors out there in crawford:
So I was somewhat bemused to see the actual Bush supporters. There were about 15 people on the other side of Prairie Chapel road. They were mostly wearing red, white and blue. They were mostly wearing cowboy hats.
I began my conversation with TJ (author of the sign) by getting him, his wife and baby some bottled water from Camp Casey. TJ is a veteran of Iraq and still in the Marines. He looked really young, about 20, and I had a very long conversation with him over the course of the afternoon. Mostly I listened and he certainly had a lot to say. The longer he talked the less belligerent he sounded. And after an hour or so of conversation and six more bottles of water he very quietly said, “I guess I don’t mind the protest, free speech is part of why we went to Iraq, isn’t it?” I have to say, I really liked him. I really felt for him. And I was really afraid they were all going to get sun stroke.
I’m sure if TJ spoke with one of the Iraqi Veterans for Peace, they would get along well. They actually have a lot in common. I just think it’s a damn shame that he won’t cross the road.
the protestors seem very positive, which i like, with these rules of engagement:
speaking truth to power total non-violence non-confrontational dialogue a drug- & alcohol-free environment
okay, this is horrible, i have always, ahem, disliked rush limbaugh. why are the worst conservatives the biggest hypocrites, and the republicans still don't see through their lies?! even once the lies are revealed?! the anti-drug man addicted to drugs. if that doesn't spell it out, what's it gonna take?! so these anti-protestors are wearing rush's catch phrase t-shirts: Club G'itmo (and there's way more where those came from).
i wrote an anti-rush limbaugh speech in my speech class back in the early '90s at UT. i think i gave up on politics after that...
what the weirdest thing about all this, is that i was *randomly* on the upper deck of I-35 going north today. for one, i was south this morning before work that i have never done before. seriously, never. doing something random i had to do once and will never have to do again. and then, i got on the highway by mistake when i didn't need to and should have stayed on the access road cuz i missed my exit. and two, this billboard is up for one day only. so as i was driving, i scribbled down "thebillboardproject.com" and "cindy sheehan" onto my alamo drafthouse cinema guide because i don't watch the news, and i was hoping this 'project' was big and nationwide. or at least something i could spread the word about.
cuz i'm beginning to believe that signs and omens are presenting themselves to me. not in the "omigod jill has finally lost her last marble" sort of way, but more in the "i just read the celestine prophecy (which i didn't just read, but you know what i mean) and am more aware of my surroundings" sort of way. i don't know what i believe in, but i do believe we all have some sort of collective unconsciousness going on around us, much greater than what our minds can allow us to realize, at least at this point in our evolution as human beings.
hence, with these statements, the following post, re: car wrecks and broken limbs.
little tidbit: i am one degree away from the president, twice! (so if you know me, you are two degrees from the president, in two different ways!)
1) my old boss, was the president's brother. 2) the president's farm in waco/crawford was my family's farm we sold to him, my mom's cousin. i had lunch with them (my mother and my 2nd cousin) just this monday.
not that these are really bragging rights to be so closely linked to the worst president in history, but it's easy to see how small a world it really is after all.
(it's a small world after all)
posted by
zenbetty at 2:22 PM
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okay then, so i was watching Living with the Dead (which is also referred to as Talking to Heaven) on CBS tonight, it's basically Ted Danson in an "i see dead people kind of movie" - The Sixth Sense meets the Medium (but the Medium is actually kind of good, you should give it a chance, on NBC this fall), The Sixth Sense was good too, for first-time viewing especially (speaking of which, this weekend i just watched m night shyamalan's the village, and i really liked it a lot) unfortunately the other stations are making medium copycats, ie. the ghost whisperer (worst title ever!) is a TV show coming to CBS this fall and looks horrible with jennifer love hewitt talkin to deceased vietnam vets. ugh. anyways...so this ted danson movie, i noticed on the credits that it was directed by stephen gyllenhaal. no wonder jake & maggie got into the biz. i had no idea.
and that, my friend, was the longest run-on sentence ever!
posted by
zenbetty at 11:34 PM
wMonday, July 25, 2005 |

okay i'm weird...
cuz i couldn't sleep at my mom's house last night so i picked up a book there "Don't Tell" about this woman who escapes from her abusive cop husband (and no i don't think it's what that J-Lo movie was based on)
then all of a sudden i go to the restroom and it's 6am - does this ever happen to you? and then, since i've been reading all night my brain won't stop and starts writing at this ungodly hour. i think that's why i don't read at night and i instead fall asleep to the murmur of the television.
anyway, i often make up trailers of a movie in my head, many times i want to just make the trailers and not the entire movie. cuz i can't really finish the whole movie with details, but i can see the trailer in my head almost perfectly.
yeah yeah i've been seeing too many movies lately, but i used to make up trailers all the time even before my free movie marathon began.
but i always have a problem with names of characters (hence my pets' names - miss kitty and mr. puppy), difficulty finding titles for pieces (poetry = untitled #301), and i never really like the endings in most stories. because to me, well, most stories never really end.
so anyway, if you guys are bored and would like to read it (partially) if i ever transcribe it (partially), let me know. and then tell me if i'm crazy, or if it's funny, or if it sucks, or if it's just me talking to myself in my head.
okay i'm just writing it down from memory, the pages are out in my car. i just don't want it to be a crappy "before sunrise" type of movie, not just this one, but anything that i write. (but i do even say that in my dialogue, "this is starting to feel like a crappy linklater movie.") will i get sued for saying stuff like that in movies. like if "we" watch or mention a few movies in my movie, is that legal?
it's a mixture of the duval house (but not really), me & my crazy thoughts (but not really), etc. but seriously, i was cracking myself up this morning at 7am when i hadn't had a lick of sleep, thinking that i had incredibly witty banter between these imaginary characters in my head. and i just sort of want to know what others (you guys) might think...
i want it to be set in austin cuz i know it, and i'd be lying if i tried to pretend like i knew NYC. but it would be impossible to have their careers here in austin, so either i have to learn NYC. or they failed professionally in the art world there and moved back to austin, damn. how do people make such decisions.
well, it's in the car, so email me if you're interested in reading more (mostly dialogue) - zenbetty@hotmail.com
but i kept hearing that movie trailer voice guy narrating the trailer:
(narrator = nar) (woman lead = w) (man lead = m)
nar: "What happens when..."
m: so what do you do? w: i'm a food photographer. m: what does that mean? w: which word don't you understand...food? or photographer?
nar: "two average [somethings] are thrown together..."
m: [front door opens] oh. you. still looking for a roommate? w: yes, but first rule, no sex with roommates. m: well good thing i don't find you remotely attractive cuz i would hate to have to turn you down. [w slams door in his face] m: [muttering to self] well that didn't go well
nar: "in the not-so-average art world?"
w: so unfortunately, since i've met you, this screenplay i'm writing has now evolved into some crappy romantic comedy. m: don't blame me just because i have gorgeous hands.
nar: "A very unlikely romance occurs."
w: you've seen that movie 9-1/2 weeks? m: yeah. w: real life is so not like that. i thought a tub full of chocolate pudding would be incredibly sexy. i couldn't have been more wrong...
okay, i'm psycho, but i do this all the time...do you? i usually just don't keep myself up to 8am writing it down. and take an hour nap before work. let me know if you want to read more. or if this is an insanely boring premise. it's supposed to be dry wit, but since i had about one hour of sleep, i have no idea what i'm saying right now.
©2005 zenbetty all rights reserved
posted by
zenbetty at 12:56 PM
wWednesday, July 20, 2005 |

cool music news:
Art project generates music using fish
It is a beautiful, aural and visual entertainment where the viewer is offered a sensual experience of the private lives of fish, ordinarily hidden deep beneath the surface of the lake.
well i thought it was a lot cooler until i read this:
Under anaesthesia they are slit open and miniature bio-acoustic tags are inserted into their bodies. The fish are then stitched up, woken up and returned to the lake where they emit a tiny acoustic signal every two seconds.
yeah, i don't think they willingly agreed to participate in this experiment.
The "String Thing"
A new kind of digital instrument replaces computer keyboard finger-tapping with a cello-like interface, bringing high-tech musicians out from behind their glowing screens.
"This is a piece of art that is made for producing art."
disturbing music news:
Musical Hallucinations
Seven years ago Reginald King was lying in a hospital bed recovering from bypass surgery when he first heard the music. It began with a pop tune, and others followed. Mr. King heard everything from cabaret songs to Christmas carols. "I asked the nurses if they could hear the music, and they said no," said Mr. King, a retired sales manager in Cardiff, Wales.
"I got so frustrated," he said. "They didn't know what I was talking about and said it must be something wrong with my head. And it's been like that ever since."
Each day, the music returns. "They're all songs I've heard during my lifetime," said Mr. King, 83. "One would come on, and then it would run into another one, and that's how it goes on in my head. It's driving me bonkers, to be quite honest."
here's another older article on musical hallucinations.
posted by
zenbetty at 11:55 AM
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After ignoring numerous warnings from independent scientists for years, the "nonstick" chemical used in Teflon has now officially been categorized as a "likely carcinogen" by the U.S. government's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA scientists found four different types of tumors in lab animals exposed to the chemical. The agency announced it plans to collect millions of dollars in fines from DuPont, the maker of Teflon, for concealing studies indicating related health and environmental risks for over two decades.
Compound in Teflon A 'Likely Carcinogen' -Washington Post, June 29, 2005
EPA to Review Findings on Teflon Chemical -Yahoo! News, June 29, 2005
EPA panel raises questions about Teflon -CNN, June 30, 2005
Health tests start in Teflon settlement -CNN, July 8, 2005
posted by
zenbetty at 10:17 PM
wTuesday, June 07, 2005 |

Freaks Unite
The new White Stripes album Get Behind Me Satan is released today. Watch the Blue Orchid video here where Jack White, Meg White, and Karen Nelson get their freak on. There are good freaks, and there are bad freaks (see previous post, re: tom cruise) but these three are definitely good freaks. Robo-Meg pounds away at plates with a mallet, the new bride (yes, this model/singer supposedly wed Jack White in Brazil this weekend) is rolling around on the floor amongst white snakes and a white horse, else she's walking down the stairs in unbearingly high heels, and Jack White has a couple of seconds with an uncanning similarity to the ever-popular Johnny Depp and/or Willy Wonka...Sorry, Jack, but it's true. You're still hot though. But perhaps it's just the top hat, or the crazed look in his eye, or maybe it's just the pirates of the caribbean mustache. The Blue Orchid video is directed by Floria Sigismondi, and some of her cool photos are posted here.
"Floria creates a hyper-surrealism using images derived from hallucinatory dream-states. Poetic and often macabre, Floria's images exist in a theatre setting that is both narrative and starkly visual."
More videos by director Floria Sigismondi here
More White Stripes videos here and right here:
posted by
zenbetty at 1:13 PM
wMonday, June 06, 2005 |

surfin' the net all day so you don't have to:
a few Turkish phrases:
it ürür, kervan yürür. (The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.)
Bu yer bo? mudur? Evet, bo?tur. (Is this place empty? Yes, it is empty.)
?apkay? al?n?z, kap?y? aç?n?z ve gidiniz! (Take your hat, open the door, and go!)
(did ya see my name in that one?) yes, i even stalk myself online...
jessica simpson slept with bam AND johnny knoxville (listen to bam's girlfriend on the radio)
and i'm goin' to philly this weekend...
johnny knoxville's real name is PJ Clapp. (but he was actually born in knoxville) no wonder he doesn't want to go by Clapp, he wouldn't be able to fuck as many whores
mary-kate is weird

naked chicks are hot
but holy hell! pamela anderson looks like an alien!
posted by
zenbetty at 4:58 PM
w |

today's entry = wow, that sucks
Missing Texas A&M student found after 7 years
she wasn't found dead. she was just hiding from her mom and working at a sam's club in KY. because the spoiled brat got bad grades so her parents stopped paying for school. while family feared she was dead for the past 7 years, and police have been looking for her that long as well. unfortunately, neither the family nor the texas rangers were very smart nor very resourceful, obviously, (they're probably all aggies) cuz she was working under her real name and social security number.
ha: In fact, the mother and Brandi's stepfather Ken Dickenson were preparing to have Brandi declared legally dead in October and planning to cash in Brandi's life insurance policy, Ken Dickenson said. Way to go, step-pop! jerk...
Before that, Dickenson's last words to her daughter had been "I love you," after they argued on the telephone about Brandi's college grades and exorbitant credit card charges in May 1998.
Brandi was doing well at Texas A&M and seemed to enjoy it there. Her grades were good and she had a part-time job conducting phone surveys for the university research institute, her mother had said.
But the A's and B's turned to D's and F's, and Brandi stopped going to class. She wouldn't return phone messages at her apartment and started dating someone that the Dickensons didn't approve of. The Dickensons learned that they had been paying tuition for classes she wasn't attending and rent for an apartment she wasn't living in.
She also rang up $26,000 in credit card debts, the Dickensons said.
$26,000! i said spoiled brat before i even read this second article (i googled her name) SPOILED BRAT. ungrateful little bitch. yeah yeah, happy she's alive...go cash in that life insurance policy to cover her expenses! sorry, ken, i didn't know the whole story yet.
They told her she was through in College Station and offered to let her move back home and attend Baylor if she wanted to, Ken Dickenson said. Instead, she disappeared without a word.
you were gonna pay for baylor! ken, you're a better stepdad than i thought. again, my apologies.
at age 20:

She is now 27 and unmarried. i don't know why they had to throw in the "unmarried" part.
so now i just spent the last half hour searching through Texas Missing Persons Online for any unidentified persons i might recognize.
i'm sorry, but the texas biker rally is way cool:

and now, it's time for another "wow, that sucks" entry:
Renée Zellweger will be playing Janis Joplin in some upcoming film called Piece of My Heart.
but now for a serious "wow, that seriously sucks, i think i'm gonna cry" entry:
Woman Dies in Crash Hours Before Wedding
i can picture it in my head. it's a beautiful day in sunny colorado in june. oh she's just driving. she's so happy. she's 25. about to be married to the love of her life in a few hours. her face is beaming, smiling, singing in her bright yellow vw bug. she keeps turning around and looking at her beautiful wedding dress in the backseat. slow motion, still smiling, oh shit she missed her turn, oh well, do a u-turn. slow motion, oh shit a truck. i'm seriously gonna cry. he's standing at the church when they tell him. and her family. and every family member visiting in town. back to her, o god, slow motion, she's swerves, he hits her, she rolls, she rolls, slow motion, her flopping inside, she hits a tree, she lies there motionless, she knows this is it, she weeps softly, she sees her future that never was, what are her last thoughts...i'm so sorry. she whispers to him as she fades away, "i'm so sorry"
i'm seriously crying at my desk at work...
how creepy, arcade's fire's 'in the backseat' just started playing in my ears
i like the peace in the backseat i don't have to drive i don't have to speak i can watch the countryside and i can fall asleep
my family tree's losing all its leaves crashing towards the driver's seat the lightning bolt had enough heat to melt the street beneath your feet
alice died in the night i've been learning to drive my whole life my whole life i've been learning
posted by
zenbetty at 3:34 PM
wWednesday, June 01, 2005 |

you should read blogs from the bottom up, so you know what's going on. or not. what the fuck do i care if you know what's going on. fuck you.
who is this directed to? no one. i just think it's funny. sometimes i have a sick sense of humor. but fuck you for not being able to take a joke.
why is MetroCare always sitting outside the 41st street golf course? are there really that many golfing accidents that we just never hear of??
last night at barfly's i started a "hate" list on a bar tab because i kept saying how much i hated everything. and i mean everyhing. i crossed off the "Thank" and wrote "Fuck" You instead.
it started off with:
-i hate steve nash. HATE.
-i hate ryan adams
-i hate pat green, jerry jeff walker, steve/robert earl keen, & that whole country jock/frat cult. (country boys who smoke pot cult)
speaking of cults...
-i HATE tom cruise. he is a fucking freak.
and so are all scientologists. including beck, you freak! why'd you have to go and join that cult.
speaking of freaks...
-i hate alex jones. freak! and i love freaks! but not you, alex. not you.
but then i felt as if i sounded a little too bitter. so i flipped it over and added
i do like:
-digable planets
-la zona rosa
-my newfound love: gossip sites (sad but true) - the tv show: medium but then i remembered i HATE morissey & robert smith. aaack!! and i hear they hate each other, too.
and then it was all over. but nothing a few 7&7's and a shot of jager couldn't cure.
speaking of how much of a freak tom cruise is, check out these clips:
tom cruise on oprah - in love with katie holmes
tom cruise on access hollywood - scientology vs "psychiatry"
and speaking of my new joy of gossip sites, here's one of the best ones i've found recently that keeps me amused for hours:
The Superficial - Because You're Ugly i love paris hilton. i love vincent gallo. how befitting it is that he made this little video of her (but vincent gallo has got some freaky thing about bunnies): paris honey bunny video
and yes, i stalk paris hilton online any spare minute i get. if anyone has her sex video (or knows a secret link to it), i've finally accepted that i could watch it now. but boy, the stuff you can find online...
and in other local news today, the Oasis burned down last night. (lightning struck? or "lightning" struck?) not that it is my favorite place or people there, or that i've even been there in years, or that the food was any good, but it truly is an authentic Austin landmark. the sunsets are beautiful. the lake is beautiful. Austin rocks! speaking of sunsets, the one you see on the deck of the new opal divine's south is quite spectacular, which surprised me, because your ass is sitting over the busy street of south congress. this is how pathetic (and cheap) i have become:

All Skydancer Premium Lights are Native American made, additive free, use cotton filters and use tobacco from farms either inside the United States or Canada. $1.79/pack!
yes, i'm a classy dame.
The Seneca-Cayuga Tobacco Company is an enterprise of the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma. The Seneca-Cayuga Tobacco Company is owned, operated, and funded by the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma.
but hey! how cool i that, native americans are making the cigarettes i'm smoking. and i'm not conributing to the rj reynolds/winston/salem/philip morris conglomerate.
oh god, kraft is owned by the same company as philip morris!
you might as well be smoking those kraft singles!
no more kraft for me. p&g is evil too. they own everything. wal-mart's evil. and i think blockbuster is run by the devil. if you go to blockbuster, don't talk to me anymore. i mean it.
i stopped buying american spirits because i just recently heard they were bought out by rj reynolds. and by 'recently' i just now found out that it was early 2002!! i suck!!

"While Philip Morris is attempting to please its "valued" and "loyal" customers with an upscale, Marlboro-branded holiday offering, R.J. Reynolds is trying to acquire an entirely different customer base with its acquisition of Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co. On Dec. 3, R.J.R. said it will up its bid for the Santa Fe, N.M.-based tobacco company to $340 million in cash from a previous bid of $320 million. It's not a bargain--Adelman characterizes the acquisition cost as "full price."
So what will R.J.R. get for its $340 million? Santa Fe, which makes American Spirits cigarettes featuring the logo of an American Indian on the pack, was born in 1982 but still has a marginal market share of only .2%."
damn. would i sell out for $340 million? maybe, just maybe.
"All the same, it became the cigarette of choice for the tragically hip."
damn. tragically hip? i'm just fucking pathetic.
maybe pathetically hip?
"Other brands owned by R.J.Reynolds include: Oreo Cookies, Chips Ahoy!, Snackwells, Newtons, Ritz Crackers, Premium Saltines, Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams, Triscuits, Air Crisps, Wheat Thins, Nilla, Nutter Butter, Stella D'Oro, Better Cheddars, Cheese Nips, Toastettes, Barnum's Animal Crackers, Lifesavers, Breath Savers, CareFree, Bubble Yum, Gummi Savers, Ice Breakers."
fucking liars! they don't even list american spirits as one of their brands!
"On January 16, 2002, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc. acquired Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc. for $340 million in cash. Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, Inc. manufactures Natural American Spirit cigarettes and other tobacco products, and markets them both nationally and internationally."
i can NOT find this officially listed anywhere, except on people's blogs and livejournals. so fuckin shady.
i forgot one. starbucks. hate. HATE. please go to quacks, flightpath, mojo's, pacha, little city, texspresso, anywhere but starbucks!
Woke up this morning and it seemed to me, that every night turns out to be A little more like Bukowski. And yeah, I know he's a pretty good read. But God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole?
one to add to my list: i'm starting to dislike modest mouse. for one thing, they're getting too big and everybody likes them now. i mean the moon and antarctica was good, but that's where it stops. they were on the OC last year for fuck's sake!
and i just gotta let em have it. cuz i ain't got no respect for anyone who doesn't respect bukowski.
they're just a whiny bunch of white boys. man, i hate all emo music. HATE.
shut up! quit whining! grow some balls, drink some whiskey, and get the fuck out of my face!! god, even i could kick your ass. your skinny little white ass is gonna break when the wind blows. fuck off.
he's not a "good read," you asshole, he's a lifestyle. you're so fucking pretentious. and it sounds like you're a bit of religious freaks too. ugh.
i hate whiny ass white boys. i'm so glad i'm not a boy. i probably would have gotten into a fight every day of my life. punching pussies who couldn't drink whiskey. their fuckin site is pink, for god's sake. pink!
i was gonna say their faggot site is pink. but i like faggots. these guys would give fags a bad name. these guys are just males without their penises. fags have their own penises and want more! we all love a good penis every now & then, don't we?! c'mon, admit it...
damn, alcohol alcohol drink it all!
that's all i needed: a good night of booze n bitchin'!
so then, where shall i begin again...
Radical Marketing. i just need one big idea. doesn't even have to be mine. but i could sell it. people would listen to me. well, they may not 'listen' to me, but they'd hear me, and the idea would sink into their brains, then later it would be mentioned again, and they'd have forgotten where they'd heard it, and they'd think they had thought of it and then they'd buy it. and that's what matters, they'd buy it. i don't care if they buy because i told them to or because they think they had thought to buy it on their own, i just need that one big idea. so...what's it gonna be, boy, what's it gonna be?
if you have an idea, give it to me. i'll pass the word. and we'll make it big, i tell you, BIG!
not like this guy though. a little underdog tobacco company that just couldn't keep up with the big dogs. (but i do like his approach)
i still am serious about opening up a bar here. and i know where i want it. and as soon as that business goes under, i'm movin' in.
do you know of any backers? wanna give me some money? or you could be a co-owner even...
it was gonna be Miss Kitty's Pussy Cat Lounge, but that sounds too much like a strip joint. so it may just be called Miss Kitty's.
unless some of you guys are emasculated by such a name (you bunch of pussies)
going through the chronicle again so i can recycle it before tomorrow's comes out. and you'd think i'd look at tomorrow's tomorrow. but nooo...i'll wait till next wednesday and let it sit on my desk untouched until then.
*my* ad pick o' the week:
[from a shot in the dark, p 151]
ME: HOOKER in alley. You: Bartender in Austin at Molotov Lounge. Brother helped you out of cuffs. Let me cuff you sometime?
[i kid you not]
Did you know...that you can tear newspaper straight down but not straight across?
Did you know...that it is very difficult to wipe with your left hand if you're not left-handed?
Did you know...that the Linux Journal is probably the most boring reading material to have in your bathroom at work?
Did you know...that I didn't get much accomplished at work today??
Mr. Smarty Pants Knows...
"Researchers at Northwestern University say your brain functions a lot like the Internet or a network of friends. They used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain and concluded it can be visualized as a complex interacting network that relies on nodes to efficiently convey information from place to place."
i'm not scatterbrained i'm just usin' my noggin in the manner it was intended, anyone thinkin' in linear thought ain't usin it properly! so there...
posted by
zenbetty at 5:12 PM